Are You Making Them Too? What do Fortune 500 Companies care about? If you answered PROFIT, then you’re absolutely correct! How do Fortune 500 Companies create profit? Simple: grow their business and decrease waste. Do you have high employee turn-over? Are you struggling to find talent? Are you under siege
Not many people think they need a business coach. Who wants to say they need help? Who wants to admit they aren’t the most qualified and proficient person in their occupation? Who wants to ask for advice and coaching? It’s human nature to want to avoid such matters. The truth,
Want to hear some interesting statistics about the effectiveness of business coaching? The proper coach can take your business to the next level. Here we go: MetrixGlobal found an anonymous Fortune 500 company saw a 529% return on investment (ROI) after investing in executive coaching Another study by MetrixGlobal found
90% of restaurants fail in their first year. American Express even used this conviction in a widely criticized TV spot. Yet, this isn’t exactly true. In fact, only 17% of restaurants fail in their first year. That means 83% of restaurants remain open for more than a year. The odds
2018 is poised to be a dramatic year for the American workforce. From the ever-evolving role technology plays in the office and the changing face of C-Suite execs to seemingly endless sexual harassment scandals and beyond – the workplace is changing faster than ever before. So, as the new year