

If You Sell Anything Then You Will Want to Read This Article and Watch This Video!

You can read a thousand different articles about the sales process and get a thousand different opinions and techniques. So why are my methods better than others? Because we don’t sell! You should never ever have to sell your goods or services. EVER! The key to making money in sales

Five Major Mistakes that Plumbing Companies Make

  If you are a plumber then I don’t need to tell you that competition is fierce. Having successfully coached some very large plumbing companies I can share with you some common mistakes that are made in your trade. Take the time to go through the list and correct any

5 Things that all CEO’s of Small Businesses Need to Know

  Being the CEO of a small business can be  grueling. Everybody wants a piece of you. Your sales people want a piece of you. The IRS wants a piece of you. Your insurance agent wants a piece of, and your marketing department wants a piece of you. Then factor

Is Your Support Staff Hurting Your Business?

Believe it or not your staff can literally make or break your business. It is imperative that you hire the right people, train them properly and put them into the right positions. You only get one shot to make a good first impression, and a poorly trained staff will make


Why 6 out of 10 Americans do not Have $500 in Savings and What to do About It

In a new report from bankrate, nearly six in 10 Americans don’t have enough savings to cover a $500 or $1,000 unplanned expense. The article goes on to say Only 41% of adults reported having enough in their savings account to cover a surprise bill of this magnitude. A little

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