Author Archives: Dr. Paul S. Inselman

DISC behavior analysis

Top Mistakes Employers Make When Hiring

Are You Making Them Too?

What do Fortune 500 Companies care about? If you answered PROFIT, then you’re absolutely correct! How do Fortune 500 Companies create profit? Simple: grow their business and decrease waste.

Do you have high employee turn-over? Are you struggling to find talent? Are you under siege from subpar resumes? Then this article was written for you. I’m going to give you the answers to finding quality employees so you can avoid hiring mistakes and decrease wasted time and money.

Are you aware that there are two parts to every single job? Do you know what the two parts are? If you said tasks and behaviors then you can go to the head of the class because you’re right.

Common Hiring Mistake #1 is not taking into account the behavioral component of the job. Let me prove that concept to you. Don’t you hire for tasks and skills and fire for behavior? You can avoid this by incorporating new forms of communication into your business. We’re not talking about texting or social media. We’re talking about acknowledging and correcting common hiring mistake #2. 

Common Hiring Mistake #2 is not understanding that you and everyone else speaks in their own language and has their own behavioral styles. This is the basis of people’s personality. It’s also very often the basis of most misunderstandings. Learning your employees’ unique communication and behavioral styles will pay dividends as you become able to turn miscommunication into opportunity.

How to Fix These Common Mistakes

First, let’s take a moment to explore why it’s beneficial to fix communication and behavioral mistakes. The most obvious reason is that you’ll begin retaining top-tier talent. This, in turn, will allow you to focus on closing more deals. You can leave the management of your business to qualified operations professionals and do what you do best – sell.

Sound Exciting? Imagine if you knew the exact language and style that your employees used to communicate. This gives you tremendous power as an employer and as a sales professional! Fortune 500 Companies have been using a tool called DISC assessment for years. Now, the playing field is leveled and you can compete with the big boys. In fact, you can even surpass them by gaining a deep, rich understanding of DISC.

behavioral hiring analysis

About DISC

  1. Disc is the universal language of behavior (Disc means Behaviors)
  2. Disc is the universal language of how you do what you do
  3. A person’s behavior style or DISC is not what makes them good, bad, right, or wrong
  4. It’s not what style you are – it’s what you do with your style

Implementing a DISC assessment means understanding the three Objectives of Behaviors. These are:

  1. Identify and understand your style
  2. Identify, understand, and appreciate people who have different styles
  3. Develop a process to communicate with different styles (learn how to adapt to other’s styles)

It’s important to stop at this point and mention that DISC does NOT measure:

  1. Intelligence
  2. Motivation
  3. Skill
  4. Experience
  5. Education
  6. Training

Defining the Language of Disc

What does DISC stand for?

  1. D=Dominance – how you address problems
  2. I=Influence – how you handle situations involving people
  3. S-Steadiness -how you demonstrate pace and consistency
  4. C=Compliance – how you react to procedures and constraints

How can you monetize knowing your communication style? How can you monetize knowing your behavior style? How can you monetize adapting your style to your employees’ style? More to the point, how can you monetize matching your style to your sales prospect’s style?

Click the button below to learn the answers to these questions and get a DISC assessment/business profile today!

1 on 1 Coaching Session

stop employee turn over by hiring smarter

If You Could Minimize or Stop Employee Turnover Would You Be Interested?

There is nothing more frustrating as a chiropractor or other healthcare professional than hiring the perfect employee only to have them leave or get fired two weeks later. The emotional upheaval coupled with the drain on your wallet is not only inconvenient – it kills profitability!

If there was a way to limit “revolving chair syndrome” would you take the steps? This article will examine the most common reasons for job dissatisfaction and employee turnover. At the end of the article, you will be given an opportunity to examine your own staff and job descriptions.

Some of the Most Common Hiring Mistakes

using DISC assessments to optimize your employee hiring practices

Number one is not realizing that a job has two components: a skill-set or task component and a behavioral component. 99.9% of health care providers hire for the task and not the behavior. 99% of healthcare employees get fired for the behavior. This doesn’t seem like a productive use of anyone’s time.

Let me give you an example. The receptionist position requires skill-sets (tasks) of using a phone, appointment book, and computer and multi-tasking. When you hear a potential receptionist worked in another office and has this experience, you’re likely going to offer them a position. Most employers fail to realize that the front desk also requires certain behavioral skills, like punctuality, being a “people” person, having an optimistic outlook, being warm and inviting, and total customer-centric communication skills.

If a job could talk it would explain exactly what behavior is necessary to achieve over-the-top performance. Performance that will make you money and have patients referring friends and family to YOUR office.

Hiring mistake number two is not investing time and money in the hiring process. Many healthcare providers are short-sighted when it comes to investing time and money in their practice. Think about a Fortune 500 company. They understand that employee turnover is wasteful and kills time, energy, and profit. To prevent this waste, they invest time and money in programs that ensure they hire right the first time and that their employees stay for years, and years, and years.

Here’s the really cool news! Learning about your behavior style through a DISC Assessment will not only help you with your employees, but it will also help you communicate better with your patients. Do you think knowing and understanding your patients’ behaviors will help you motivate them to take your treatment recommendations? If you answered yes, you are correct. That’s why our client’s average PVA tops 55. Their patients come to them happily and willingly because they understand the big picture of health. No scare tactics, seduction, or coercion is ever used.

Sound Exciting? Imagine if you knew the exact language and style that your employees used to communicate. This gives you tremendous power as an employer AND as a sales professional! Fortune 500 Companies have been using DISC assessments for years. Now, the playing field is leveled and you can compete with the big boys. In fact, you can even surpass them by gaining a deep, rich understanding of DISC.

About DISC

  1. Disc is the universal language of behavior (Disc means Behaviors)
  2. Disc is the universal language of how you do what you do
  3. A person’s behavior style or DISC is not what makes them good, bad, right, or wrong
  4. It’s not what style you are – it’s what you do with your style

Implementing a DISC assessment means understanding the three Objectives of Behaviors. These are:

  1. Identify and understand your style
  2. Identify, understand, and appreciate people who have different styles
  3. Develop a process to communicate with different styles (learn how to adapt to other’s styles)

It’s important to stop at this point and mention that DISC does NOT measure:

  1. Intelligence
    1. Motivation
    2. Skill
    3. Experience
    4. Education
    5. Training

    Defining the Language of Disc

    What does DISC stand for?

    1. D=Dominance – how you address problems
    2. I=Influence – how you handle situations involving people
    3. S-Steadiness -how you demonstrate pace and consistency
    4. C=Compliance – how you react to procedures and constraints

    How can you monetize knowing your communication style? How can you monetize knowing your behavior style? How can you monetize adapting your style to your employees’ style? More to the point, how can you monetize matching your style to your sales prospect’s style?

    Click the button below to learn the answers to these questions and get a DISC assessment/business profile today!

    1 on 1 Coaching Session


How You Can Create Lifelong Patients

How You Can Create Lifelong Patients

The stakes for private practice success have never been higher than they are today. You’re competing with twenty-four-hour urgent care clinics, the increasing corporatization of medicine, and a whole host of other private practices offering the same services. You’re also competing with the rise of telemedicine and never-ending disruption from new technology.

These factors lead many private practices to fail. That isn’t going to be you, though, because we’re here to tell you the secrets of how to turn these challenges into opportunities. We’re here to tell you how to create lifelong patients.

Keep reading to learn how to create a recurring stream of patients and don’t forget to sign up for one of our webinars on effortlessly attracting new clients or patients.

Find Your Niche & Excel in It

This advice applies to business owners of all stripes, not just medical professionals. Finding your niche and becoming the best in it is the fastest way to long-term success. Now this is easier said than done, especially in 2018, but it’s incredibly important nevertheless.

If you’re a chiropractor, what is your specialty? Are you more of an internist? An orthopedist? A forensic chiropractor? Within these specialties, where do you excel? Do you work best with children, adolescents, adults, or seniors? Do you enjoy working with people athletes?

Answering these questions will help guide you to your niche. From there, you can begin to create an individualized marketing strategy to help bring in new patients. Of course, this is only half the battle. Once you have your niche and a marketing plan, it’s time to turn new patients into lifelong patients.

This is where you have to excel. You have to be the best possible specialist you can. This means constant learning. This means many hours of continuing education. This means attending conferences and mastering new trends. This means reading and publishing in medical journals. It means all these and so much more.

Focus on Patient Service

The easiest way to succeed where other practices have failed is to make patient service your number one priority. This means focusing on your medical and clinical care above marketing, sales, insurance reimbursement, technology, and all else.

This is a no-brainer, right? Not for everyone. You’d be surprised by the number of medical professionals we’ve worked with who haven’t put patient service first. They’re more interested in getting the latest machines and marketing them to prospective patients. While this may bring new patients in the door (emphasis on may), it isn’t going to create lifelong patients.

You need to create a connection with your patients. This means having a dedicated and friendly staff who remember patients’ names and information. It means having an answering service you can trust. It means promptly returning calls the next day. It means taking the extra five minutes to chat with your patients.

Make sure to do these and you’ll be well on your way to creating lifelong patients.

Stay Up to Date on Technology

This may seem counterintuitive after what we just mentioned above, but you do need to stay up to date on the latest technology. You better believe that your competitors are. If you want to stay ahead of them, if you want to give your patients the best experience possible, it’s incredibly important to learn about your specialty’s newest tech.

Now this doesn’t mean you have to master each and every new machine that comes to market. It doesn’t mean you need to aggressively advertise that you have the latest version of such and such product or offer such and such new procedure.

Staying up to date on technology simply means that you know what’s new. Most of this, you’re not going to want to bring into the office. Some you will. Use your discretion, but be sure you can answer any patient questions about technology.  

Never Stop Learning

Last, but certainly not least, you can create lifelong patients by becoming a better and better medical professional. This means you need to never stop learning.

We mentioned CEs and attending conferences above and they’re worth mentioning again here. These aren’t just hoops you have to jump through to maintain your license. They’re opportunities for you to become more skilled, more specialized, and a better practitioner.

Follow these steps if you want to create lifelong patients. Contact us today for a complimentary consultation if you need that extra bit of help. We’ve helped hundreds and we can help you too.

5 Signs You Need a Business Coach (1)

5 Signs You Need a Business Coach

Not many people think they need a business coach. Who wants to say they need help? Who wants to admit they aren’t the most qualified and proficient person in their occupation? Who wants to ask for advice and coaching?

It’s human nature to want to avoid such matters. The truth, though, is that these couldn’t be farther from the truth. Everyone can benefit from a business coach.

In fact, survey after survey shows the incredible impact of business coaching. We’re talking about triple figure ROIs and double figure boosts in productivity. We’re talking about stronger relationships with your employees, and innovative sales hacks that not many people know.

Which is why we’ve decided to list the top five signs that you need a business coach. Keep reading for insight and don’t forget to give us a call at 888-201-0567. This is the start of a new chapter of your career. Are you ready?

You’re Too Successful

This is one of the best challenges to have. Being too successful at your career means that you’re knowledgeable, efficient, and effective. Make no mistake, though, it IS an issue.

With success comes growing pains. These vary industry to industry, but are often comprised of: hiring new staff, moving your office to a larger location, streamlining operations, and scaling payroll. Wouldn’t it be nice if you had someone to walk you through how to do these tasks the right way?

You do. A business coach isn’t only there to help you become a better worker. They’re there to help you become a better manager and a better business owner. You can think of your business coach as your personal success coordinator.  

You’re at a Standstill in Your Career

On the other side of the spectrum, you need a business coach if you’re at a standstill in your career. This is true whether you’re a salesperson, marketing guru, medical professional, legal specialist, or something entirely different.

Whatever the reason you’re feeling stuck, a good business coach is going to have several ways to get around it. In fact, a seasoned business coach isn’t just going to help you get unstuck, but they’re going to help you get to the next level in your career.

One of the best pieces of advice ever given by a business coach or anyone else, is that you can’t get out of a hole with the same thinking that got you into it. A business coach will have insights and experiences that are outside of your box. You’ll be able to bounce ideas off them and get a personalized roadmap to positive outcomes.

You Need Accountability

Accountability leads to success. This is true for everyone, from the most productive executives to struggling sales associate. We could all use someone that, at the end of the day, we have to look in the face and give a rundown of what we’ve accomplished and where we’ve dropped the ball.

Enter the business coach. Not only can they give you insights and strategies for success, but they can keep you accountable. If you said you were going to have three meetings with your supervisors this week about new ideas, you better believe your business coach will want to know if you did. If you said you were going to generate seven new leads, your business coach will be there at the end of the week to ensure you did.

You’re Overwhelmed

It’s hard to balance your career, personal life, hobbies, and having a social life. Multiply that difficulty by ten if you’re a manager or executive. Deadlines pile up and are missed. Your significant other gets angry. Your friends don’t see you as much.

Sounds like a recipe for stress. Sounds like you could use a business coach.

Having someone on your side to help you prioritize and manage your time isn’t only helpful. It’s downright necessary if you want to succeed in anything. Your business coach will help by giving outside opinions and offering insight on what’s really important and what can be saved for later. More importantly, your business coach will help ease some of the burden the modern workplace puts on you.

You’re Good at Ideas but Need Help with Execution

There’s a saying, “ideas are applauded, but execution is worshipped.” If you need help becoming more effective at taking an idea and turning it into a reality, then you need a business coach.

Your business coach will be able to help you create realistic strategies for implementing ideas. They’ll be able to draw up a timeline from idea to finished product and map out the steps you need to take to get there.

This sounds too good to be true, right? Wrong. This is exactly what having a successful business coach on your side is all about. In fact, it’s exactly what people are saying about Creative Coaching. Take a look at some of our satisfied clients and give us a call at 888-201-0567 to get started today.

The Ultimate Reason Why Practices Don’t Grow

The Ultimate Reason Why Practices Don’t Grow

98% of chiropractors earn less than one million dollars. You want to be the 2% that experience truly incredibly levels of success. That’s an honorable goal and we’re here to help you achieve it.

Before you enter the upper echelon of chiropractic achievement, however, you need to understand what not to do. You need a roadmap for the attraction, conversion, and advocate pipeline. You need to learn why so many practices fail to grow.

Lucky for you, we’re Creative Coaching. We have over three decades of experience in helping businesses thrive. More importantly, we know what it takes to turn a successful chiropractor into a successful practice owner.

Check out our tips on why practices don’t grow below, then contact us today for a complimentary strategy session.

Your Practice Won’t Grow If Your Admin Staff is Your Sales Staff

There are a lot of reasons why practices fail to advance. One of the most common is that chiropractors expect their administrative staff to be their salespeople.

This double duty makes sense in the abstract. Part of administration, reception, and customer service is answering the phone. Part of answering the phone is fielding calls from potential clients.

This is as far as most practice owners go. That’s fine, but it isn’t going to generate steady development. You know what will? Having a dedicated salesperson taking calls.

Yet, we’re not talking about a used car salesman at your reception desk. We’re not talking about using high-pressure tactics on someone with a slipped disk. We’re talking about streamlining your operational process to make sure the right person answers the right call and says the right thing.

Use a separate phone number for new patients. Make sure this number is in your marketing (more on that in a second). Have a salesperson ready to answer the phone. They’ll be able to explain what sets you apart from other chiropractors (your unique value proposition), offer first-time specials, book appointments, and enter valuable data into a CRM.

This last critical point, gathering patient data, will help inform your marketing. You’ll be able to see what generates new patients and what doesn’t. You won’t have to go with your gut instinct anymore. You’ll have hard, data-backed analytics on how to grow.

In other words, you’ll begin to experience true success.    

Your Practice Won’t Grow If You’re Not Properly Marketing

This is another great reason why practices reach a certain level and stagnate. They open, market a bit, obtain some patients, and coast. That’s fine, but it’s a far cry from consistent growth.

Practices underutilize marketing for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that many think of marketing as a dirty word. They think of misleading ads and cheap “get-them-in-the-door” tactics.

On the other end of the spectrum, many chiropractors are overwhelmed by the seemingly endless marketing options. Should you invest in print, TV ads, radio spots, digital display ads, search engine optimization, social media, or something else? In fact, overwhelming might not even be a strong enough word!

Fair enough. Those are two very valid reasons to avoid marketing your practice. What if there was a better way? What if you could learn how to choose the right medium, for the right message, at the right time? What if you could avoid cheap marketing tactics?

What if you could effectively market your practice and get your phone ringing with new patients? Well, you can and we’re here to show you how.

Marketing in 2018 is about:

  •      Creating a unique value proposition: what makes your practice different from others?
  •      Understanding your audience(s): who are they and where do they spend their time and attention?
  •      Creating collateral to match your audience(s): your TV strategy is different than your search engine optimization strategy which is different than your email strategy
  •      Focusing on converting a part of your audience(s) to leads
  •      Creating a repeatable procedures to turn those leads into patients
  •      Gathering and analyzing data on what works and what doesn’t

Taken together, as a holistic and comprehensive whole, these different facets will help you turn your practice into a memorable brand. Speaking of which…

Your Practice Won’t Grow If You Have a Practice and Not a Brand

Most people, chiropractors included, consider their brand to be the combination of their personality, services, logo, colors, and a million other esoteric details. This isn’t your brand.

Your brand is the emotional connection your form between your audience and your company. It’s nothing more and nothing less. While all the details mentioned above help inform your brand, they’re NOT your brand itself.

Many practices fail to grow because they get caught up in the trees and can’t see the forest. That’s understandable. After all, chiropractors are medical professionals, not branding experts.

So, how do you turn your practice into a lasting and memorable brand? Simple – you take the time to understand your audience. You create experiences for them that are delightful and inspire positive emotional reactions. You repeat these experiences throughout their lifecycle: viewer, audience, potential customer, actual customer, and loyal customer.

Not only does this create your brand, but it inspires loyal customers to become brand advocates. This is just a fancy way of saying they’ll generate referral patients for you.

Now, the fingers-in-the-dirt work of creating delightful experiences that inspire positive emotional reactions isn’t easy. If it was, every practice would be doing it. That’s where we, the growth gurus at Creative Consulting, enter the picture with our capes waving like Superman.

Contact us today to learn more about branding, marketing, sales training, and how to turn your practice into a growth machine. We offer individually tailored consulting packages that produce an average return on investment of 165%.

Sound good? Then call us now at 1-888-201-0567. Welcome to the future of your practice.

3 Business Coaching Misconceptions

3 Business Coaching Misconceptions

Want to hear some interesting statistics about the effectiveness of business coaching? The proper coach can take your business to the next level. Here we go:

  •         MetrixGlobal found an anonymous Fortune 500 company saw a 529% return on investment (ROI) after investing in executive coaching
  •         Another study by MetrixGlobal found a return of $7.90 for every $1 invested in coaching
  •         53% of executives in one survey reported increased productivity as a result of business coaching, while over 70% reported better working relationships with their supervisors and direct reports

Sold on the benefits of coaching yet? No? Then let’s explore some of the common misconceptions about business coaching. This will help you have a fuller, more complete understanding of what coaching is all about. You might even learn why everyone, from the most powerful CEO to the newest entry-level hire, can benefit from business coaching.

I Don’t Need a Business Coach

This is by far the largest misconception about business coaching. No one thinks they need a coach. This is true for executives and high earners. It’s also true for struggling sales managers and poor performers. No one wants to think they need help.

The truth is simple. Everyone benefits from sitting down with an experienced business professional and honestly assessing their strengths and weaknesses. Everyone benefits from learning innovative sales and marketing techniques. Everyone benefits from discovering ways to organize their team and increase productivity.

Everyone benefits from business coaching. It’s that simple.

It’s Expensive and Time Consuming

This is public enemy number two. People tend to think of executive or business coaches as meeting with elite CEOs on private jets. They think coaching costs a fortune and is something the rich use to become richer.

This is true for some business coaches, to be sure, but it isn’t the case for all of them. There are an estimated 20,000 business coaches working today. Some of them charge a fortune. Others undercharge. Still others fall somewhere in the middle.  

Do some research. Find the type of coach that works best with your industry and experience level. Reach out to them and see what they charge. Chances are they’re going to offer an individually tailored program that will fit your budget. That’s what we do at Creative Coaching and, in our humble opinion, it’s the only way.  

Now, onto time consuming. Coaching can be time consuming, if you want it to be. It can also easily fit into any business professional’s schedule. It’s all about the type of coaching you want and what fits your industry and experience level.

You also need to consider the increase in productivity and profitability that business coaching brings with it. Investing some time and money for a large return of both time and money? That sounds like a smart decision.

Your Business Coach is a Therapist

What do you think of when someone says business coach? A lot of people picture a therapist, but in a designer suit and tie. This isn’t the case at all.

All coaches have their own style and methodology. Some are going to sit, listen, and talk like a therapist. Some aren’t. Business coaching is all about identifying, engaging, and developing talent. This requires empathy and trust, but not counseling or therapy.

At the end of the day, your business coach isn’t a therapist. They’re not a friend or a mentor either. They’re simply someone who understands how to make you more effective and profitable in your chosen field.

Sold on business coaching now? Good. Take the next step in your career today by contacting Creative Coaching. We’ve experienced, dedicated, and can help you grow!

Restaurant Marketing 101_ Don't Make These Rookie Mistakes

Restaurant Marketing 101

90% of restaurants fail in their first year. American Express even used this conviction in a widely criticized TV spot. Yet, this isn’t exactly true. In fact, only 17% of restaurants fail in their first year.

That means 83% of restaurants remain open for more than a year. The odds are in your favor, rookie restaurateur.

Want to bump that number up and help secure your chance at explosive culinary success? Then, you’re going to want to avoid the mistakes we’ve listed below. Consider this your guide to restaurant marketing 101.

Keep reading to learn what to definitely NOT do when opening a restaurant. More importantly, contact us today for a free, personalized consultation. We have three decades of business success under our belts and are ready to teach you  insider secrets and growth hacks!

No Marketing Strategy

This is by far the most common marketing mistake restaurant owners can make. They think that dabbling with digital marketing, adding a pinch of traditional television ads, and finishing off with a loyalty program is a recipe for success.

It is, but not without a solid marketing strategy. Anything else is nothing short of a plan for failure.

Ask yourself:

  •      What are your long-term goals?
  •      What are the steps you need to take (i.e. short-term goals) to achieve them?
  •      What is your restaurant’s unique value proposition?
  •      Who are your competitors and how are you different than them?
  •      What is your quarterly marketing budget? What about annual?
  •      How much return on investment do you need to justify that budget?
  •      What demographics eat your restaurant’s food?
  •      What demographics live in your restaurant’s area?
  •      Where do they consume information?
  •      How can they be reached?

Once you have the answers, it’s time to turn them into a bulletproof marketing strategy. Such strategy is easier said than done. This is why consulting with a professional is more than just a smart idea. It’s a vital part of your future success. Lesson one of restaurant marketing 101 complete.

Ineffective Branding

Rookie mistake number two takes the form of ineffective branding. Ineffective branding is a broad statement, so let’s break it down to understand what works and what to avoid.

First, it’s helpful to define your brand.You can do this through negation. Your brand isn’t your restaurant’s name. It isn’t your restaurant’s color scheme. It isn’t your restaurant’s menu. It isn’t your restaurant’s chef and staff. It isn’t your restaurant’s website or social media profiles.

Your brand is the emotional connection between your restaurant and your audience. Consider this the golden nugget of restaurant marketing 101.

Your audience is made up of potential customers, former customers, and others who see your marketing collateral. You essentially create your brand by eliciting a specific emotional response in them.

That means you need to have a deep understanding of what your restaurant is, what it stands for, what it does well, and what it should never do before  you begin marketing. This is one more reason having a strong marketing strategy is necessary for success.

Avoiding Digital Marketing

Rookie marketing mistake number three is to avoid digital. This one is slightly more understandable than the previous two. The world of search engine optimization, email blasts, webinars, social media, mobile micro moments, and more can be quite overwhelming.

We’ve been there. In fact, the point of this entire guide to restaurant marketing 101 is to help you understand that while marketing may be overwhelming, it’s 100% possible and effective.

So, don’t avoid digital. Factor potential internet channels like search engines, social media, email lists, and location-based searches into your marketing plan. Figure out where your restaurant’s target demographics spend time online. Figure out where they don’t. Market on the channels they use. Watch your reservations skyrocket. You’re welcome.

Neglecting Business Development

Business development is just a fancy word for effective partnership and sales outreach. Neglecting it is rookie marketing mistake number four and trust us you don’t want to make it.

Now, business development doesn’t have to take the form of creating relationships with nearby businesses. You can, and should, do this, but let’s think bigger. What competitors can you turn into allies? What social media influencers can you turn into brand ambassadors? What established culinary names can you work with? What suppliers can you comarket with?

Once you have the answers to these questions, you’ll be well on the way to restaurant success. Don’t worry if it takes some time to get those answers– this is normal. Remember, being overwhelmed is okay. Just don’t become paralyzed. Put one metaphorical foot in front of the other until your business development is developed and thriving.

Now that you’ve graduated from restaurant marketing 101, it’s time to turn insight into profit. Contact Creative Coaching today to start your 100% free consultation.

Workplace Trends for 2018

Workplace Trends for 2018

2018 is poised to be a dramatic year for the American workforce. From the ever-evolving role technology plays in the office and the changing face of C-Suite execs to seemingly endless sexual harassment scandals and beyond – the workplace is changing faster than ever before.

So, as the new year unfolds, it’s time to take a look at the hottest workplace trends for 2018. Find them below. Just remember, you heard it from Creative Coaching first!

Flexibility in All Areas of the Employment Experience

Flexibility doesn’t just mean fluid hours, working digitally, and the evolution of the employer/employee relationship (although those are certainly hotly sought employee benefits). Flexibility in 2018 means A LOT more.

When we say one of 2018’s workplace trends is flexibility, we mean:

  •      Diverse benefits rather than higher salaries: more comprehensive insurance, increased vacation time, student loan assistance, tuition reimbursement, and more.
  •      On-the-job training, upskilling and retraining: begin a job with one skill and add three more each year
  •      The rise of consulting-first hires: you can work for a major corporation while still being your own boss
  •      Wellness programs: yoga in the break room, standing desks for the entire office, therapists in HR, and more.

Artificial Intelligence is Here to Stay

The continuing takeover of artificial intelligence is another hot workplace trend for 2018. Far from being the apocalyptic Skynet-controlled AI of movies, this is actually an incredibly beneficial development.

Every industry from healthcare to recruiting is placing greater and greater emphasis on AI and its younger siblings: smart tech and the internet of things. This trifecta will likely lead to some entry-level positions being automated. It will also lead to some very cool developments like:

  •      Automation will allow employees to become more productive and expand their skill sets
  •      Increasingly accurate and detailed analytics will allow sales and marketing professionals to create incredibly personalized and effective messaging
  •      Companies themselves will likely use employee data to identify new employee opportunities, streamline their operating procedures, analyze and recognize workplace trends, and more.

Upskill, Upskill, Upskill

We’re predicting that upskill is going to be the word of 2018. Whether you call it that or retraining, on-the-job-training, employee initiatives, or something else entirely – employers helping their employees learn new skills is on the rise.

Career Builder estimates that the gap between what current employees know and what they need to know costs companies close to one million dollars annually. Commonly called the skill gap, this is likely to be executives’ and managers’ most sought after workplace trend of 2018.

Upskilling doesn’t just mean padding the resumes of newer employees either. It means helping older workers learn newer jobs, many of which are going to be tech-focused (think marketing persona creation, CRM cleaning, review management, and digital customer service).

Harassment of All Forms Won’t Be Tolerated

If 2017 was the year sexual harassment in the workplace entered the public spotlight, then 2018 is going to be the year employers say enough is enough. Harassment of all shapes and stripes won’t be tolerated any longer.

This focus on working conditions is likely to take many different forms. There are the obvious ones like sexual harassment allegations becoming a fireable offense and gender pay discrimination lessening. Then there are the subtler strides against harassment. These are likely to include things like:

  •      Using tech to identify harassment trends
  •      The rise of executive buy in and companywide adoption of innovative HR policies
  •      An increase in the use of psychological profiles during the hiring process
  •      Developing the careers of traditionally under-promoted demographics

There you have the hottest workplace trends for 2018. Now that you have some insight into what the new year is going to bring with it, why not gain some insight into new levels of professional success?

We’re talking about an unbeatable leg up on your competition with Creative Coaching. Our 165% ROI speaks for itself. Call us today at 1-888-201-0567 for a complimentary personalized consultation! Your career will never be the same, we promise.

If You Want to Be Happier, Earn More Money, and Be Successful Then…

I Believe

You are always capable of getting more out of life. Are you happy? Are you secure? Are you growing, or are you just settling?

About Paul S. Inselman, DC

Hi! I’m Dr. Paul S. Inselman. You may have read one of my articles or heard about me because I was able to help one of your friends or neighbors.

I am thrilled to tell you that I have created very specialized procedures that I used not only to turn my own life around, but to turn the lives around for thousands of others. Life is about being fun, light, productive and satisfying. Let’s face it, the world is scary and it can be tough out there. But not if you have a plan.

My life’s work has been about finding and creating life plans that GET RESULTS and that  are duplicative.  After 32+ years of experience I have found that the extraordinary results that I achieve with my clients is because I design individual life coaching plans that are based on the individual client’s needs, communication style, and personality. The result: Happy, healthy, confident, organized, and financially secure singles and married couples alike who are experiencing deeper and richer life experiences…Those that they deserve!!

The most commonly asked question of me is, ” I am not happy with my life. My relationships are terrible, my finances are a mess, and I am worn out.” The most frustrating part is that I don’t even know where to begin. What should I do?”


Born out of my own frustration and desire for improvement I took seminars and read just about every book by all of the greats. Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, Denis Waitley, to name a few. After turning my own life around after an injury, I decided to go on a journey and help as many people as I could through life coaching…and Creative was born. All of my programs are 100% custom-made for each individual client. I only accepts a certain number of clients at one time so I can give you personalized 24/7 service. There are no long-term contracts with my service, and there is a 100% money-back guarantee on each and every coaching call.

Creative Coaching, LLC has been successfully coaching clients just like you for the past fourteen years. We have been trail-blazers in the industry being the first company to offer no long-term contracts and a money back guarantee.

Our CEO’s are enjoying another terrific and stress-free year in business. Isn’t it time that you enjoyed that too?  If you still feel that you are struggling, you will be thrilled to know that Dr. Paul S. Inselman, CEO of  has formulated a specific step by step process that will help you to become a more powerful business leader. Our clients income has grown on average 165% since 2008. In 2016 alone they were up on average a whopping 44%!

Questions to Ask a Business Coach

With so many choices of business coaches how to you choose the right one? This is a very common question that perspective clients ask me all of the time. Deciding to hire a business coach is a very personal decision; and one that should not be taken lightly! Remember, you are not buying a pair of shoes. You are investing in a long-term relationship that will help you grow faster, easier, and with fewer mistakes than you can typically achieve on your own.

Here are some good ideas to help you perform a good due-diligence along with some great questions to ask your perspective coach:

  1. Coaching is about resonance. if you don’t feel comfortable with the perspective coach, DO NOT USE HIM
  2. If you feel that your coach is only interested in your money, DO NOT USE HER
  3. Ask your coach what qualifies them to be your coach
  4. Ask what their experience has been
  5. Ask what they bring to the table
  6. Ask how they are held accountable
  7. Don’t sign a long-term contract-that only benefits the coach and not you
  8. Ask about their results-have they done what you want to do?
  9. Are they punctual?
  10. Do they appear organized?
  11. Do they appear professional?
  12. Are they easy to understand and are they easy to follow?
  13. Do you feel that they have YOUR best interest at heart?
  14. Ask what their policies are so you have absolute clarity
  15. Ask how they will hold you accountable
  16. Ask what their specific role is in your relationship
  17. Ask how accessible they are in-between calls
  18. Are you excited to work with this person? If not DO NOT COACH WITH THEM
  19. Do you get a sense that they know what they are doing?
  20. Do they allow for your input or is it their way or the highway? If it DO NOT COACH

Creative Coaching, LLC has been successfully coaching clients just like you for the past fourteen years. We have been trail-blazers in the industry being the first company to offer no long-term contracts and a money back guarantee.

Our CEO’s are enjoying another terrific and stress-free year in business. Isn’t it time that you enjoyed that too?  If you still feel that you are struggling, you will be thrilled to know that Dr. Paul S. Inselman, CEO of  has formulated a specific step by step process that will help you to become a more powerful business leader. Our clients income has grown on average 165% since 2008. In 2016 alone they were up on average a whopping 44%!