Author Archives: Dr. Paul S. Inselman

You Can Have Economic Security if You Execute These Steps NOW!


According to The Chicago Tribune, most people, do not have enough money to cover a $500 emergency. That my friends is beyond scary!  Further, according to US News, about 50% of Americans are not saving enough for retirement. 

This article will give you practical steps if you have been behind the savings curve; and if you have been diligent it will teach you how to get to the next level of financial security. 

Having been in business for 32 years, retiring at age 41 and coaching small business owners just like you for the past fourteen years, makes me uniquely qualified to help you achieve financial security. In addition, our clients have access to an entire financial team dedicated to our clients’ financial success. 

Here are easy Steps to Deploy Right Now:


1. Assess why you are having financial difficulty. Is it because you are not generating enough business? Or, are your spending habits hurting you? Or, do you just not know how to run a business and mange money. 

How we help our clients with:

a. We help our clients pinpoint where their economic problems are rooted

b. We teach our clients step by step how to strategically market to attract the best buyers to their business.

c. We teach our clients how to establish budgets

d. We teach our clients how to automate for emergencies, payment of taxes, and retirement.

e. We teach our clients how to have their money make them money

f. We teach our clients how to improve their retention so they can work smarter instead of harder.

g. We teach our clients how to find, train, motivate, and have a profitable support staff 

All of the above is taught in a simple step by step fashion, complete with accountability and fantastic results. 

The results-Our clients net worth continues to grow year over year while their expenses are either contained or decrease. This allows our clients to sleep better at night, have less stress, and be more secure knowing that their bills are paid and they are growing their net worth. 

2. Once you assess where the financial difficulty is rooted you must create action steps to fix the problem. If the problem is the way you think about money then you must work on your head space. If the problem is mechanical (poor economic procedures, then you must fix the mechanics). 

How We Help Or Clients:

a. We help our clients re-create hope and anticipation by teaching them how to think differently by implementing step by step procedures to change their head space.

b. We teach our clients how to create procedures for everything in their business so their business can start to run without them. That allows for time away from the office and family vacations.

c. We teach our clients time-honored business principals that yield consistent positive results. Most small business owners sadly, do not know how to run a profitable, lean, mean business. 

The Results-Our clients reported that they paid down more debt in 2016 to the present than they had in the prior five years combined! Our clients reported that they felt more economically secure because they had an easy to follow, easy to implement plan that was created specifically for them. 

If you have been fortunate enough to get your economic house in order where all of your bills are paid and you are able to save money then NOW is the time to make sure that your money is making you money. In Rich Dad Poor Dad, the Cash Flow Quadrant by Robert Kyosaki, he talks about the “I” or investing quadrant as being the most important. It is here where you achieve economic freedom. Our financial team really helps our clients when they get to this point because they show our clients how to have their money make them money while they sleep. 

Start implementing the steps above. If you have difficulty, then click the button at the bottom of the page and schedule a complimentary strategy session and I will be happy to assist you. When you get your financial house in order what are the amazing possibilities that await you? What will it feel like when you are paying all of your bills, saving for retirement and watching your net worth grow? 

When you are ready to create a new and exciting plan for your life and business, click the button below for a complimentary strategy session. 



Why You Are Not Getting New Business and What to do About it

New business is the life-blood of your business. If you fail to get a steady stream of QUALITY buyers your business will suffer. The following will give you insight why you are not getting your fair share and what to do about it:

1. Are You Doing Social Media or are you making money from social media? There is a huge difference between the two. Doing social media means that you are running ads and putting up posts on Facebook, Instagram etc. Making money from social media means you are running ads and putting up posts that make you money.

What to do now:
a. Evaluate how much money you have spent on ads vs how much money you have made. You will quickly know if you are doing social media or profiting from it.

b. Evaluate how much time you are spending vs. the return of dollars received. This will tell you how much you are making per hour so you can determine if it worth your time.

c. If you have hired someone to do your social media then it is even more important to evaluate your return on investment because your investment after expenses may be giving you a negative return.

d. If you are not getting a return click this button

1 on 1 Coaching Sessionand set up a complimentary 1 on 1 strategy session and I will tell you what you need to change.

2. Do You Understand Strategic-Based Marketing Principles? Marketing (getting your phone to ring) should be set up as campaigns that have a beginning, middle, end and most importantly an objective. Marketing should NOT be doing this and doing that with the hopes that it will attract people.

What to do now:
a. Learn about the Buying Funnel

b. Learn how to use the Heuristic Marketing Equation

c. Learn how to create marketing for an ideal customer or client-remember I used the word quality new business in the opening line of this newsletter? The idea of marketing should be to get the best buyers to your clinic not just any old buyer. Knowing how to market to your target audience will do that for you.

d. Learn how to create meaningful follow-up campaigns

e. Learn how to create a Unique Value Proposition

f. Learn how to keep accurate statistics so you can measure your results

3. Poor Systems– Once a quality lead calls and comes to business if you have poor systems your business will suffer. It is imperative that everything in your operation is systematized and monetized for maximum ease of operation, stability, and financial growth.

What to do now:
a. Evaluate each system in your operation and make sure that it is running efficiently

b. If you do not have systems now is a great time to start creating them

c. Make sure that you are constantly training your staff so they utilize the systems to their maximum

If you do not have systems or understand strategic-based marketing click this button

Strategy Session
and set up a complimentary 1 on 1 strategy session.

As a small business owner, what is possible when you learn how to market with better efficiency and profitability? Our clients have access to a dedicated team of professional that don’t “just do” Social Media but help our clients MAKE MONEY FROM SOCIAL MEDIA.
What is possible as a small business owner, when you learn how to effectively market strategically?

If working smarter instead of harder interests you; or, if having systems in place that will allow you to effectively train staff, take a vacation and have more quality time with your family interests you then click the button below.

If You’re Business Isn’t Growing – Check Out The Wheel of Life

Think of your life like a bicycle wheel. All spokes must be strong to support the wheel. What happens if one or more spokes become weakened or damaged? The whole wheel will suffer.

When clients come to me it is usually because their business or money spoke is weakened. Let me show you why we are able to get spectacular results with our clients. What would happen if your health spoke became damaged? Do you see how that can affect your money spoke? What would happen if your personal relationship spoke became damaged? Do you see how that could pervade into your business spoke or health spoke?

We started coaching a plumbing company. The wife was the office manager. The couple was like oil and water with gasoline on top and a blow torch next to it. They could not understand why their business was failing. All I did with them for the first six months was work on their personal relationship spoke. They did not understand why we weren’t working on “their business”. When I explained the Wheel of Life to Them they understood that their biggest weakness was their relationship.

Six months later they are happy as if they were newlyweds. Their business which we didn’t even “officially” work on yet was turning around and everyone was happy. Next we started to work on their business portion of the Wheel of Life. One year later they eclipsed $2 million in production up from $488,000 previously.

Deploy these Action Steps to help yourself:

  1. Evaluate the Wheel and life and determine which spokes are not working as well as you would like.
  2. Ask yourself questions that will help you determine why the spoke is weak or broken. Eg. If your business spoke is weak you can ask what is holding me back? What do I have to do to turn this around? What one action step can I take today?
  3. Determine if you can handle the task yourself or if you need the help of a professional
  4. Chunk down and deploy one or tow action steps at a time and determine if you are affecting a positive change

Creative Coaching, LLC, the first professional business coaching company to offer no long-term contracts has been successfully coaching clients just like you for the past fourteen years. We have been trailblazers in the industry helping to create millionaires and offering a money back guarantee. Our job is three-fold:

  1. We help our clients earn more money
  2. We help our clients save money
  3. We help our clients money earn them more money (working smarter not harder)

We do this by teaching our clients how to think differently. By thinking differently they take different and better action steps and create a better business and earn more money.

You will learn step by step strategies. You will receive world-class support; and, you will receive performance and mind-set coaching that gets results!  If you still feel that you are struggling, you will be thrilled to know that Dr. Paul S. Inselman, CEO of  has formulated a specific step by step process that will help you fix all the spokes of your wheel of life.  In all the years that I have been coaching, I haven’t seen one CEO that executed the steps above and that utilized our procedures that failed to improve their life.

I Am in Utter Amazement and So Thankful! Are You?

You’ve heard it before. Gratitude gives you altitude. It is so true. Read on…

Were you ever so excited that you couldn’t believe what was happening?  I mean you are just in utter amazement; like it’s almost surreal? That is what I experienced today. I am off today (yeah right). I fielded 4 emergency calls.

  1. Call 1-Wife left husband. In the beginning of the call husband was distraught and inconsolable. At the end of the call the husband was empowered, had a concrete plan of action and was going to implement the plan when we got off of the phone. Time on call 48 minutes.
  2. Call 2-Client called to tell me that he earned more money in July then the first six months of the year combined. He was ecstatic. At the end of the call he had a list of questions to ask our financial team to inquire about setting up and funding a retirement plan. 9 months ago we were discussing how he was going to make payroll and 9 months later we are discussing investing! Time on call 10 minutes.
  3. Call 3-A client called to ask my advice. She suspected her mother was being abused in a nursing home. The client was understandably pretty upset. At the end of the call we had gathered all of the state agency telephone numbers and contact people so she can have the matter looked into. In the interim she has set up a schedule for she and family members to stay with her mom around the clock until they have the assurance that everything is safe; or until they can move her mom to a new facility. Time on the call 20 minutes and then a follow-up call for 30 minutes.
  4. Call 4-A client called because he was frustrated and was having difficulty with the report of findings that I had taught him. We role played for 25 minutes. He felt like he got it. During the day I received a text from him. 3 reports of findings given. 3 patients accepted and began care.

Are your patients a “bother” to you when you are off, or are you delighted to speak with them and help them solve their problems? When you are in the people business of which you and I both are, then put the people first always. When you do that you will experience more joy and happiness than you could ever imagine. In 107 minutes on my day off I got to enrich four people’s lives. Isn’t that what being successful is all about?

noopener noreferrer

Do You Know The Practical Steps To Take In Each Phase of Business?

Each stage of business produces its own set of unique problems and opportunities. This blog will address the various stages and specific steps that you should take to ensure your continued success through each stage.

The stages of business are Survival, Stability, Success, Significance

Survival Stage

This is the stage when you first launch your business. It is during this stage that you are most vulnerable and apt to go out of business. Be extremely careful during this phase. Deploy these action steps to ensure success during this phase:

  1. Make sure you have at least twelve months of working capital in the bank or access to capital through loans, lines of credit etc. The number one reason why a business goes out of business is under-capitalization.
  2. Hire a business coach who will be your point person and prevent you from making costly mistakes. At this stage, you will need a business coach to help you assemble your professional team of CPA’s and attorneys. you want them to help you to make sure that you have adequate insurance protection, business plans, access to capital and find the right site for your business. You will need help creating your infrastructure, negotiate leases and build-outs, hire and train the right staff and create your marketing campaigns. If you are buying an existing business, you will need help with the evaluation, negotiations and help you assemble the right professional team for the buy and transition.

As you see there is a lot involved. Mistakes will lead to a loss of time and dollars. Two things that no new business can afford. Avoid mistakes like the plague! Do not try to do these endeavors without the aid of a team of professionals.


This is the stage where your income is fairly predictable and all of your bills are paid. Typically with a new business, this occurs around the twelve-month mark. However, the time can be greatly shortened or lengthened depending on the individual circumstance. Typically no business will survive past eighteen months without at least breaking even. This stage has to be managed very carefully. Common mistakes are expanding too quickly and mismanagement of funds. Deploy these action steps to ensure success during this phase:

  1. Work with your coach to determine where the blocks and gaps are now. Is the problem needing to hire more people? Is your infrastructure not able to keep up with demand? Determining where the problems are and fixing them early ensures continued smooth growth.
  2. During this phase, you want to start building up cash reserves. We recommend setting up an emergency fund that is equal to twelve months of business and personal expenses.
  3. Regular quarterly meetings with your CPA are important during this phase and all the others to follow. Tax planning becomes crucial to maximizing profits.
  4. Setting up retirement plans should happen during this phase. Remember the likelihood of Uncle Sam providing you with a comfortable retirement is slim to none. The earlier that you plan for retirement the more economically stable and happy you will be.


This phase, in my opinion, is the most fun! This is where all of your bills are paid. You are making the maximum contributions to your retirement plan. You are able to take regular vacations. You are able to drive the car of your choice. Life is good! Deploy these action steps to ensure success during this phase:

  1. Manage your health. Success does not come easy. How much sleep did you lose pulling all-nighters? How much junk food did you fuel your body with during the other phases? While your health should have been managed during all stages, it is typically the one neglected first. Now is the time to reclaim your body and your health. Work with your business coach to set up goals and action steps. Hire a personal trainer or if you’re self-disciplined enough join a gym and GO to it.
  2. Speak to your attorney about setting up trusts or other asset protection vehicles
  3. Get your head space right. This is the stage where divorce runs rampant as well as anxiety rears its ugly head. Since I have a medical back ground we are able to help our clients specifically by helping them create great eating plans as well as making them aware of negative health signs and symptoms.
  4. Get annual physical exams and blood work
  5. Diversify your investments. Now is the time for your money to make you serious money. However be aware and stay clear of getting rich quick schemes. They don’t work and never will. Work with someone to Create a plan and portfolios to meet your goals.


Only 1% of all business owners get to this stage. This is where the Bill Gates and Warren Buffet’s of the world live.

  1. Work with your advisers to establish philanthropic endeavors
  2. Work with your attorneys to make sure that you have adequate asset protection
  3. Give back to the community and mankind by creating opportunity for others
  4. Create your legacy

As you go through the different stages of business be acutely aware of your needs. Make sure that you always have a great team of advisers to help you, guide you, nurture you, and prevent you from making mistakes. Advisers should be neutral so they help you make non-emotional business decisions. Creative Coaching, LLC  has been successfully coaching clients just like you for the past fourteen years through all of the stages of business. We have been trailblazers in the industry being the first company to offer no long-term contracts and a money back guarantee.

Our client’s income has grown on average 165% since 2008. In 2016 alone they were up on average a whopping 44%!  We get these results with our clients because we teach step by step strategies, coupled with world-class support, coupled with performance and mindset coaching. In all the years that I have been coaching, I haven’t seen one CEO that executed the steps above and that utilized our procedures that failed to be more successful.


Defining Success as A Chiropractor

September 18th is the Birthday of Chiropractic. Happy Birthday, Chiropractic! On that day the Chiropractic Summit will kick off. The Chiropractic Summit is a fantastic grouping of 45-60 minute separate interviews with the 30 most influential people in Chiropractic today.

Icons like Dr. Larry Markson, Dr. John Demartini, and twenty-eight others, share their gems, words of wisdom and years of experience in video interviews that will help the reader/listener grow their practice and their lives. A very special thank you needs to go out to Dr. Michael Headlee, from Bemidji Minnesota who is an amazing Chiropractor, author, and educator in his own right; for creating the idea and giving his valuable time in interviewing the guests and for helping to unite our great profession.

I am humbled to have made that list. This is an honor that I do not take lightly. I have distilled down the ten questions that were posed to me into a few minutes video format. There will be ten snippets that will be published. This will save you time so you don’t have to listen for an hour straight. When you watch the video have paper and pen in hand to take copious notes. I have tried to give you clear-cut action steps that you can deploy immediately.

In this video, you will learn how to define success for YOURSELF. Unfortunately, many chiropractors use other people’s definition of success. For example, the profession has long held the belief that a high volume practice is a way to go. What if you don’t want to see 100 or more people per day? If you were to state that out loud, many of your brethren DC’s would look at you like you had a hole in your head. Once you know what YOUR IDEA of success is you can then work towards that. Enjoy the video.

As our clients are well aware, our niche is that we help create millionaires. We teach the business of Chiropractic and we do it by utilizing proprietary methods coupled with teaching sound business principles. We help our clients become organized. We teach our clients how to use strategic-based marketing so they get the “best” buyers to their clinic. We teach our clients how to attract, hire, and train the best staff. Most importantly we teach our clients how to enjoy practice again and become financially independent.

We offer step by step strategies coupled with world class support coupled with mindset and performance coaching which will give you results that you will be very proud to own.

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to read and watch the video. Enjoy the first of ten videos from the Chiropractic Summit titled  What is Your Number One Success Habit?

God Bless,


Now is the time to create a better rest of the year for yourself. If you would allow yourself the permission to be helped you may click the button below and receive a free and no-obligation 1 on 1 practice analysis and strategy session. The analysis will show you where the problems are in your practice. You will be given a free plan of action that you can start deploying immediately!

noopener noreferrer

“I’m really finding after 14 years that there really is a different more effective way to practice and run a business. I’m loving the added success. Thanks again for everything.”
Dr. Scott Manchester, Jackson, MI

How to Stop Sabotaging Yourself and Allow Yourself to Grow Your Business and Make More Money

Do you get so close to your goal and then poof, you fall short? Do you have a roller coaster type of business? If so you are not alone, self-sabotage is rampant. One of the key over-looked areas is how you run your brain. Yes, you read that correctly, how you run your brain.

Usually, when we fall short, fear, doubt, or some other negative thought has become our dominant thought. Here is an excerpt from Conversations with God by Neale Walsch that will put it in perspective for you.

     Harnessing your thoughts, exercising control over them, is not as difficult as it might seem. (Neither for that matter is climbing Mt. Everest.) It is all a matter of discipline. It is a question of intent. The first step is learning to monitor your thoughts; to think about what you are thinking about.  When you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts-thoughts that negate your highest idea about a thing—think again! I want you to do this literally. If you think that you are in a doldrum, in a pickle, and no good can come out of this, think again. If you think the world is a bad place, filled with negative events, think again. If you think your life is falling a part and looks like you will never get it back together again, think again. You can train yourself to do this. (Look how well you’ve trained yourself not to do it!)

Your head-space is vitally important to your success. 1% of the population knows how to run their brains effectively. It is interesting to note that 1% of the population has controlled 99% of all of the wealth of the world since the beginning of time. How’s that for a coincidence?

Here are some actions steps that you can deploy that will help you create better thoughts:

  1. Start doing affirmations.  It is important to feed your mind positive thoughts. Affirmations are a sure way to do that. Affirmations are positive statements that you say OUT LOUD and PROUD. They should be in the “I am” format. For example: I am a great coach. I am a great husband. I attract positive things in my life.  You should say your affirmations at least two times per day and anytime you have negative self-talk.
  2. Get a journal and start writing. Put pen to paper and just write for three pages each day. Write about your fears. Write about your successes. Write about anything that bubbles up. It will be your cheapest form of therapy that you never pay for.

Implement those two action steps and do them religiously for 45 days and see the shift that occurs.

This is what a client had to say about affirmations:

Dear Paul:

Today and Monday I was very frustrated at work with: – speed of change – access to people – doing things my way vs their way And… That has been making me: – paranoid – angry – frustrated – worried it is not going to go well But this time (unlike the last 8 years) I kept thinking of your advice: – they’re the boss – don’t push – don’t be antsy – affirmations ( every hour) – be positive – this is not a past job – control emotions.

Just talked to my boss and he is cool with how things are going. So doing “Paul’isms” has saved me from messing this whole thing up 11 different ways. Pretty much everything I would have done would have pissed these people off.

You Are Great!

Creative Coaching, LLC, the first professional business coaching company to offer no long-term contracts has been successfully coaching clients just like you for the past fourteen years. We have been trailblazers in the industry helping to create millionaires and offering a money back guarantee. Our job is three-fold:

  1. We help our clients earn more money
  2. We help our clients save money
  3. We help our clients money earn them more money (working smarter not harder)

We do this by teaching our clients how to think differently. By thinking differently they take different and better action steps and create a better business and earn more money. Isn’t it time that you enjoyed that too?  If you still feel that you are struggling, you will be thrilled to know that Dr. Paul S. Inselman, CEO of  has formulated a specific step by step process that will help you to become a more powerful business leader. Our client’s income has grown on average 165% since 2008. In 2016 alone they were up on average a whopping 44%! In all the years that I have been coaching, I haven’t seen one CEO that executed the steps above and that utilized our procedures that failed to be a better and more powerful leader.

Are You a Super High Achiever Who is Not Happy With Their Life?

stressed CEO

In a super high achievers’ world, RESULTS ARE ALL THAT MATTER! You have built a great, successful business. You have given your family everything. Still something is missing. Think of life like a wheel with five spokes: Health, money, business, personal relationships, and spirituality. If one or more of those spokes become weakened or broken, the whole wheel suffers. This is why many successful business owners are just not happy or totally fulfilled.

Now is the time to transform your life so your entire life is as solid as your business. Now is the time to willingly transform instead of being force to transform because of ill health, divorce or any other broken spoke on the wheel of life.

Since you are a take charge person who exudes success, you probably are wondering why you haven’t been able to tackle these issues on your own. Guess what? You are not alone. For fourteen years we have been transforming high achievers just like you and preventing them from drowning in their problems. We can help you too

We use a three pronged approach with our clients:

  1. We deploy step by step strategies that transform lives-we don’t just say do this we show you how
  2. We give world-class support-nobody is accessible as we are NOBODY!
  3. We transform mind-sets-this is so overlooked and so important. If you can see it you can ahieve it. We will teach you the strategies so you can see your amazing life before it happens.

Here are some ideas to think about:

  1. What is my life like right now?
  2. What do I want my life to be?
  3. What has or is stopping me from creating that life?

Our CEO’s are enjoying another terrific and stress-free year in business. Isn’t it time that you enjoyed that too?  If you still feel that you are struggling, you will be thrilled to know that Dr. Paul S. Inselman, CEO of  has formulated a specific step by step process that will help you transform your present life to the awesome life that you want to have.

Strategy Session

Finally How to Get Your Head Space Running Like a Porsche – Chiropractors Take Note

September 18th is the Birthday of Chiropractic. Happy Birthday, Chiropractic! On that day the Chiropractic Summit will kick off. The Chiropractic Summit is a fantastic grouping of 45-60 minute separate interviews with the 30 most influential people in Chiropractic today.

Icons like Dr. Larry Markson, Dr. John Demartini, and twenty-eight others, share their gems, words of wisdom and years of experience in video interviews that will help the reader/listener grow their practice and their lives. A very special thank you needs to go out to Dr. Michael Headlee, from Bemidji Minnesota who is  an amazing Chiropractor, author  and educator in his own right; for creating the idea and giving his valuable time in interviewing the guests and for helping to unite our great profession.

I am humbled to have made that list. This is an honor that I do not take lightly. I have distilled down the ten questions that were posed to me into a few minutes video format. There will be ten snippets that will be published. This will save you time so you don’t have to listen for an hour straight. When you watch the video have paper and pen in hand to take copious notes. I have tried to give you clear-cut action steps that you can deploy immediately.

In this video you will learn how to improve your head space and self talk. What we say to ourselves day in and day out has a HUGE effect on our level of success. Enjoy the video.

As our clients are well aware, our niche is that we help create millionaires. We teach the business of Chiropractic and we do it by utilizing proprietary methods coupled with teaching sound business principles. We help our clients become organized. We teach our clients how to use strategic-based marketing so they get the “best” buyers to their clinic. We teach our clients how to attract, hire, and train the best staff. Most importantly we teach our clients how to enjoy practice again and become financially independent.

We offer step by step strategies coupled with world class support coupled with mind-set and performance coaching which will give you results that you will be very proud to own.

We specialize in helping doctors that are very close to closing their doors to become economically successful once again. We also teach young graduates how to limit mistakes when starting their practices; and of course we teach successful practitioners how to get to the next level. Nobody is turned away because of fees.

We offer a 100% money-back guarantee and NO LONG TERM CONTRACTS. Our methods work because all of our coaches are still in practice and still see patients. This allows us to have our finger on the pulse because we are seeing and hearing exactly what YOU are seeing and hearing. This allows us to create modern strategies that get results to support the challenges of the day.

Our clients were up 44% last year and are up 165% since 2008. It is important that everyone has a business coach. Listen to all of the greats who have donated their time and expertise. Then see who you resonate with and work with them. I can virtually guarantee that working with a great coach will allow you to achieve your goals better, faster, and less expensively than you can do on your own. If you decide to work with us, I can promise you that we will work our hearts off for you. If you have questions you can fill out the box at the end of the article.

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to read and watch the video. Enjoy the second of ten videos from the Chiropractic Summit titled  Finally How to get Your Headspace Running Like a Porsche

God Bless,


Now is the time to create a better rest of the year for yourself. If you would allow yourself the permission to be helped you may click the button below and receive a free and no-obligation 1 on 1 practice analysis and strategy session. The analysis will show you where the problems are in your practice. You will be given a free plan of action that you can start deploying immediately!

noopener noreferrer

“I’m really finding after 14 years that there really is a different more effective way to practice and run a business. I’m loving the added success. Thanks again for everything.”
Dr. Scott Manchester, Jackson, MI

Congratulations You Are Just One Day Away…

What do you really want out of your life and business? Do you have a clear vision? Do you know how to create the action steps to achieve that vision? Are you one day away from quitting your day job and launching your own fantastic business? Are you one day away from doing two million dollars in sales?

At Creative Coaching, we understand that each client is unique and has different needs, wants and desires. What we also have discovered in our fourteen years of working with clients just like you is that most people either really don’t truly know what they want; or, they know what they want but they don’t know how to create the action steps to get there.

Our clients become millionaires and carve out the most perfect lives for themselves because we help them create the crystal clear vision and the specific action steps that will get them there.

So what are you just one day away from achieving? If you would like some help in discovering just how easy and fun it can be, click here for a free strategy session.

Deciding to hire a business coach is a very personal decision; and one that should not be taken lightly! Coaching will help you grow faster, easier, and with fewer mistakes than you can typically achieve on your own.

These are the specific traits that you should look for when hiring a business coach:

  1. You must resonate with the coach-this is extremely important. Just because your trusted friend did great with this coach is great. However, if you do not resonate with the coach DO NOT HIRE the person.
  2. Does the coach seem interested in only your money? If so RUN DON’T WALK the other way. It is ok if your coach earns a great living. However, the client’s best interest must always be put ahead of the coach’s interests. If you get the feeling it is not like that DO NOT HIRE that coach.
  3. Has the coach done what you want to do? It is important to work with a coach that has been in the trenches. Book learning is great, but it is far different from actually getting your hands dirty. If your coach does not have the practical experience DO NOT HIRE that coach.
  4. Don’t Sign a Long-Term contract. A long-term contract only helps the coach and not the client. We are very proud of the fact that we are the first coaching company that we know of that does not force its clients to sign a long-term contract. If you have to sign a one to multi-year contract, we recommend DO NOT HIRE that coach.
  5. How Quickly will your calls, emails, and texts be returned? Remember once you sign a contract the company owns you. Which means you are obligated to pay them even if the service isn’t too great. We are proud that all forms of communication in our company are answered by the end of the business day. However, our response time is usually under one hour, even on holidays and weekends.
  6. What is your coach’s track record? This is a very important question to ask. How much on average did her clients grow while being coached? A good ROI in our opinion would be 10%. You can’t earn 10% in the bank and you would be hard-pressed to earn that in the stock market consistently. We are very proud that our client’s income grew on average 44% in 2016 and 165% since 2008.
  7. Never Feel Pressured. If your coach tells you that you will fail miserably or get cancer of the ear lobes if you don’t coach then DO NOT HIRE that coach. You should never feel pressured nor have scare tactics used on you.

Using the traits above when choosing a good business coach will lead to increased profits, fewer mistakes and more fun in business. Creative Coaching, LLC has been successfully coaching clients just like you for the past fourteen years. We have been trailblazers in the industry being the first company to offer no long-term contracts and a money back guarantee.

Our CEO’s are enjoying another terrific and stress-free year in business. Isn’t it time that you enjoyed that too?  If you still feel that you are struggling, you will be thrilled to know that Dr. Paul S. Inselman, CEO of  has formulated a specific step by step process that will help you to become a more powerful business leader. Our client’s income has grown on average 165% since 2008. In 2016 alone they were up on average a whopping 44%! In all the years that I have been coaching, I haven’t seen one CEO that executed the steps above and that utilized our procedures that failed to be a better and more powerful leader. Click here for a complimentary and no-obligation 1 on 1 business analysis and strategy session. Find out for yourself where your weaker areas are and how to fix them! Stop wishing, praying and hoping and take the meaningful step that will get you to where you want to be.