Author Archives: Dr. Paul S. Inselman

Chiropractors…You Don’t Know About The Four Levels of Conflict?


If you are looking for your practice to be profitable and afford you the great lifestyle that you want, then you need to know and understand there are only two things that stand in your way. They are your MIND-SET and your MECHANICS.

Understanding the 4-S Model of conflict will teach you how important these two skill-sets are, and when they are mastered you will be able to easily move up the pyramid.

  1. Survival Level-During this level you are not making enough money to pay your bills. You are constantly scrambling trying to steal from Peter to pay Paul. Your credit cards are maxed out and stress is very high. During this phase organization and the creation of a plan becomes paramount. In this phase because there is so much pressure thrust upon you it is very easy to give up. During this phase we coach and teach our clients how to create better self-talk; how to run their brains more efficiently; how to organize; how to create the infra-structure of their business and personal life that will enable them to get out of this level and onto the next. It is imperative that they learn how to use sound business principles to get them to the stability level. If they fail to get to the stability level they will lose their practice and might even need to file for bankruptcy.  associateship, Independent Contracting and beginning your own practice are a few of the more common methods of starting your practice. All of these start-ups will have the Chiropractor begin at the  survival level. Buying a practice is another option that when done correctly will allow you to start in the next phase which is stability.
  2. Stability Level– This is the phase where chiropractors breathe a sigh of relief because all of their bills are being paid on time. There is less immediate stress so it is very common for a chiropractor to “get stuck” in this phase. To get to the next level you must change your mind-set from survival to growth. Your mechanics and infra-structure will also need to expand and change if you are going to get to the next level which is success. We help our clients during this phase to understand what has caused them to “get stuck”; and to help them create the necessary changes in mind-set and strategy to allow them to move up the pyramid. This level is very common to “get stuck” in. If you fail to move up to the success level you will constantly feel that you are on a roller coaster. To get to the next level must create a steady stream of quality new patients. Your consultation, report of findings and re-exams must offer your patients value. During this phase we coach our clients by offering them step by step action plans that are designed to quickly get them to the next level which is success.
  3. Success Level-Congratulations you have made it! All your bills are paid; you have money to invest and you can buy virtually anything that you desire. If you look at it logically, if you are reading this blog and you are in this phase isn’t your thinking way different from when you were in the survival phase? Aren’t you running your business and money management way differently than you were when you were in the survival phase? This is what I mean that to move from level to level you must change your mind-set and your mechanics. 98% of all business owners will stay “stuck” in this phase and never move to the next phase which is significance. This phase can be quite comfortable which is what keeps the person “stuck.” If you have to be “stuck” in any phase below significance this is the phase to be stuck in.
  4. Significance Level-This is where the Bill Gates and Mark Cuban’s of the world live. They have more money than they can ever spend in ten lifetimes and their goal now is to change man-kind. They are philanthropic and use their wealth and expertise to not only better themselves, but to better the planet as a whole. To get to this level takes a tremendous change in mind-set and mechanics. To learn more about this level you would be best served to model one of your heroes. Read their biographies and learn how they think. When you can learn how they think you will be able to adjust your mind-set accordingly.

Inselman Coaching, has been successfully coaching clients just like you for the past fourteen years. We have been trail-blazers in the industry being the first company to offer no long-term contracts and a money back guarantee.

Our clients are enjoying another terrific and stress-free year in business. Isn’t it time that you enjoyed that too?  If you still feel that you are struggling, you will be thrilled to know that Dr. Paul S. Inselman, CEO of Inselman Coaching has formulated a specific step by step process that will help you move to the next level of the 4 S model from whichever level you are in. Our clients income has grown on average 165% since 2008. In 2016 alone they were up on average a whopping 44%!

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Listen to what others are saying about their successes at Inselman Coaching


Success is a Habit – Chiropractors Take Note

September 18th is the Birthday of Chiropractic. Happy Birthday, Chiropractic! On that day the Chiropractic Summit will kick off. The Chiropractic Summit is a fantastic grouping of 45-60 minute separate interviews with the 30 most influential people in Chiropractic today.

Icons like Dr. Larry Markson, Dr. John Demartini, and twenty-eight others, share their gems, words of wisdom and years of experience in video interviews that will help the reader/listener grow their practice and their lives. A very special thank you needs to go out to Dr. Michael Headlee, from Bemidji Minnesota who is  an amazing Chiropractor, author  and educator in his own right, for creating the idea and giving his valuable time in interviewing the guests and for helping to unite our great profession.

I am humbled to have made that list. This is an honor that I do not take lightly. I have distilled down the ten questions that were posed to me into a 3-4 minute video format. There will be ten snippets that will be published. This will save you time so you don’t have to listen for an hour straight. When you watch the video have paper and pen in hand to take copious notes. I have tried to give you clear-cut action steps that you can deploy immediately.

As our clients are well aware, our niche is that we help create millionaires. We teach the business of Chiropractic and we do it by utilizing proprietary methods coupled with teaching sound business principles. We help our clients become organized. We teach our clients how to use strategic-based marketing so they get the “best” buyers to their clinic. We teach our clients how to attract, hire, and train the best staff. Most importantly we teach our clients how to enjoy practice again and become financially independent.

We offer step by step strategies coupled with world class support coupled with mind-set and performance coaching which will give you results that you will be very proud to own.

We specialize in helping doctors that are very close to closing their doors to become economically successful once again. We also teach young graduates how to limit mistakes when starting their practices; and of course we teach successful practitioners how to get to the next level. Nobody is turned away because of fees.

We offer a 100% money-back guarantee and NO LONG TERM CONTRACTS. Our methods work because all of our coaches are still in practice and still see patients. This allows us to have our finger on the pulse because we are seeing and hearing exactly what YOU are seeing and hearing. This allows us to create modern strategies that get results to support the challenges of the day.

Our clients were up 44% last year and are up 165% since 2008. It is important that everyone has a business coach. Listen to all of the greats who have donated their time and expertise. Then see who you resonate with and work with them. I can virtually guarantee that working with a great coach will allow you to achieve your goals better, faster, and less expensively than you can do on your own. If you decide to work with us, I can promise you that we will work our hearts off for you. If you have questions you can fill out the box at the end of the article.

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to read and watch the video. Enjoy the first of ten videos from the Chiropractic Summit titled  What is Your Number One Success Habit?

God Bless,


Now is the time to create a better rest of the year for yourself. If you would allow yourself the permission to be helped you may click the button below and receive a free and no-obligation 1 on 1 practice analysis and strategy session. The analysis will show you where the problems are in your practice. You will be given a free plan of action that you can start deploying immediately!

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Dr. Paul,
After only a couple meetings, I can already see big things on the horizon. As you know, I have worked with two other coaches in the past. You are the first one who works with me (on all levels including personality) rather than just telling me “this is how you need to do it”. I appreciate your logical approach and your emotional intelligence in our interactions.

When You Understand This You Will have Financial Security and Freedom…Do You Know What it Is?


Do you want financial freedom? Do you want to be able to pay your bills on time, go on a vacation and in short be able to give your family anything and everything that they need and want? If it sounds like a fairy tale to you then you do not understand that your future can be EXTREMELY Bright when you know and use these basic strategies:

  1. In Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki, he talked of the four quadrants. E for employee. B for business owner. S for self-employed. I for investment. Since you are a small business owner how much of your money are you investing? As Kiyosaki explains in his book investing (using your money to make you money while you sleep) is your key to economic freedom. One of the very first things that we do with all of our clients is to establish their financial infrastructure. That infrastructure includes creating an emergency fund; evaluating that they have adequate insurance coverage; automating investments even when they “don’t have any money to invest”. Your first action step is to change the way you look at money and create financial infrastructure. If you are unable to do this on your own, ask a friend, colleague, or at the end of this blog you can sign up for a complimentary strategy session with me.
  2. 1% of the population has controlled 99% of all of the wealth of the world since the beginning of time. Wealth is defined as health, wealth, beauty, and opportunity. Why do you think that is so? Interestingly if you were to redistribute the wealth and give it back to the 99%, in a very short period of time the 1% would have it again. Let me say it another way. If Bill Gates, or Michael Jordan went bankrupt tomorrow, do you think they would become extremely wealthy again? Of course they would. But why? 1 Percenters think and act differently than 99 percenters. Since they think and act differently, guess what they get different results than 99 percenters. The second opportunity that we create for our clients is we get them to think like 1 percenters. Once they know how to use the tools to change their thought process they get amazingly different results. Our clients are up 49% this year to date and they are up 165% since 2008. Your second action step is to learn the skill-sets and tools that are going to have you think and thus act like a 1 Percenter. Tony Robbins book, Unlimited Power is a great read and a good place to start. Along with the classic Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.
  3. You must understand that SUCCESS COMES FROM YOU NOT TO YOU. This hugely overlooked fact of point is where the rubber meets the road. When you understand that you, your vibration, and your action steps are going to bring success to you; causes you to become innovative and think outside the box. It also forces you to abandon being a victim. I agree it is much easier to blame the government, or the insurance companies or any other bogeyman for holding you down. However if you want to have more joy out of life and better financial results understand that YOU and YOU alone control your outcomes. All of our clients are taught amazing tools that they wish they had when they were growing up that helps shape their future outcomes. As a matter of fact, the majority of our clients start teaching their young kids and grandkids these valuable life lessons. Imagine the results, self-esteem and self-awareness that the upcoming generations will have! The key is to amass usable tools and to learn how to use them effectively. Your last action step to implement from this blog is the do a self-inspection and determine where your weaker areas are holding you back. is it a confidence problem? Is it a skill-set problem. Start analyzing where the problems are and the fix becomes easy.

Creative Coaching, LLC , the first professional business coaching company to offer no long-term contracts has been successfully coaching clients just like you for the past fourteen years. We have been trail-blazers in the industry helping to create millionaires and offering a money back guarantee. Our job is three-fold:

  1. We help our clients earn more money
  2. We help our clients save money
  3. We help our clients money earn them more money (working smarter not harder)

Our CEO’s are enjoying another terrific and stress-free year in business. Isn’t it time that you enjoyed that too?  If you still feel that you are struggling, you will be thrilled to know that Dr. Paul S. Inselman, CEO of  has formulated a specific step by step process that will help you to become a more powerful business leader. Our clients income has grown on average 165% since 2008. In 2016 alone they were up on average a whopping 44%! In all the years that I have been coaching, I haven’t seen one CEO that executed the steps above and that utilized our procedures that failed to be a better and more powerful leader.

When You Understand This You Will have Financial Security and Freedom…Do You Know What it Is?


Do you want financial freedom? Do you want to be able to pay your bills on time, go on a vacation and in short be able to give your family anything and everything that they need and want? If it sounds like a fairy tale to you then you do not understand that your future can be EXTREMELY Bright when you know and use these basic strategies:

  1. In Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki, he talked of the four quadrants. E for employee. B for business owner. S for self-employed. I for investment. Since you are a Chiropractor or other health care provider, how much of your money are you investing? As Kiyosaki explains in his book investing (using your money to make you money while you sleep) is your key to economic freedom. One of the very first things that we do with all of our clients is to establish their financial infrastructure. That infrastructure includes creating an emergency fund; evaluating that they have adequate insurance coverage; automating investments even when they “don’t have any money to invest”. Your first action step is to change the way you look at money and create financial infrastructure. If you are unable to do this on your own, ask a friend, colleague, or at the end of this blog you can sign up for a complimentary strategy session with me.
  2. 1% of the population has controlled 99% of all of the wealth of the world since the beginning of time. Wealth is defined as health, wealth, beauty, and opportunity. Why do you think that is so? Interestingly if you were to redistribute the wealth and give it back to the 99%, in a very short period of time the 1% would have it again. Let me say it another way. If Bill Gates, or Michael Jordan went bankrupt tomorrow, do you think they would become extremely wealthy again? Of course they would. But why? 1 Percenters think and act differently than 99 percenters. Since they think and act differently, guess what they get different results than 99 percenters. The second opportunity that we create for our clients is we get them to think like 1 percenters. Once they know how to use the tools to change their thought process they get amazingly different results. Our clients are up 49% this year to date and they are up 165% since 2008. Your second action step is to learn the skill-sets and tools that are going to have you think and thus act like a 1 Percenter. Tony Robbins book, Unlimited Power is a great read and a good place to start. Along with the classic Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.
  3. You must understand that SUCCESS COMES FROM YOU NOT TO YOU. This hugely overlooked fact of point is where the rubber meets the road. When you understand that you, your vibration, and your action steps are going to bring success to you; causes you to become innovative and think outside the box. It also forces you to abandon being a victim. I agree it is much easier to blame the government, or the insurance companies or any other bogeyman for holding you down. However if you want to have more joy out of life and better financial results understand that YOU and YOU alone control your outcomes. All of our clients are taught amazing tools that they wish they had when they were growing up that helps shape their future outcomes. As a matter of fact, the majority of our clients start teaching their young kids and grandkids these valuable life lessons. Imagine the results, self-esteem and self-awareness that the upcoming generations will have! The key is to amass usable tools and to learn how to use them effectively. Your last action step to implement from this blog is the do a self-inspection and determine where your weaker areas are holding you back. is it a confidence problem? Is it a skill-set problem. Start analyzing where the problems are and the fix becomes easy.

Inselmancoaching , the first professional business coaching company to offer no long-term contracts has been successfully coaching clients just like you for the past fourteen years. We have been trail-blazers in the industry helping to create millionaires and offering a money back guarantee. We offer step by step strategies coupled with world class support coupled with mind-set and performance coaching which will give you results that you will be very proud to own. Our job is three-fold:

  1. We help our clients earn more money
  2. We help our clients save money
  3. We help our clients money earn them more money (working smarter not harder)

We help our clients by giving step by step strategies coupled with world-class support and coupled with performance and mind-set coaching.

Our amazing clients are enjoying another terrific and stress-free year in business. Isn’t it time that you enjoyed that too?  If you still feel that you are struggling, you will be thrilled to know that Dr. Paul S. Inselman, CEO of Inselmancoaching  has formulated a specific step by step process that will help you to become a more powerful business leader. Our clients income has grown on average 165% since 2008. In 2016 alone they were up on average a whopping 44%! In all the years that I have been coaching, I haven’t seen one CEO that executed the steps above and that utilized our procedures that failed to be a better and more powerful leader.

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Why Your Future is So Bright…But You Don’t Even Know It!

Here is What One of Our Clients Text to Us:

Why Your Future is So Bright…But You Don’t Even Know It!

I want you to close your eyes and think back to your first day in practice. Remember the excitement and anticipation that you felt? Remember your first paycheck from your clinic. Man, it couldn’t get any better than that. You went to sleep excited. You awoke excited. I’m going to guess that your favorite topic of discussion was how you were helping sick people get well.

What do you feel today. Do you feel stress, worry and anxiety? The doctors (husband and wife) who wrote the text above are in practice 10+ years. When they first got into practice they were excited. They built a great practice and then things changed. The excitement turned  to  stress, fear, worry and anxiety.

When they called me some four or five months ago, I said to them your future is so bright but you don’t even know it they looked at me like I had two heads. Fast forward to today and they understand what I meant. Today their fear, worry, and anxiety has turned to excitement, planning, knowing that they have a bright future and more cha chings in their cash box then they had in a very long time.

This newsletter is about you. You want to take your practice to the next level and I want to help you. I sincerely do. Not for a cha ching in my cash register (that is the automatic by-product of helping people). I want to help you because I love seeing people just like you happy, successful, content and living life to the fullest. That is what you went to school for. Not to struggle and hate life.

A coincidence is God showing up in your life. Do you really think it is a coincidence that you are reading this?

Let’s quell the fear of I can’t afford to work with you. I haven’t had one client, not one who truly wanted to be helped that we could not make the finances work. Not One!

Let me give you some action steps to take this weekend:

  1. The day you decide that you are ready to take control of your life and practice is when things will start to turn around for you
  2. You must learn to do a proper consultation and ROF. When you have a $5000 deductible you have to be able to create value for your patient. The consultation is your tool.
  3. You must learn this algorithm and know how to change your vibration to a positive vibration. EVENTS—THOUGHTS—FEELINGS—(+VIBRATION OR -VIBRATION)—ACTION STEPS—CREATE YOUR WORLD When you own this equation your life will be infinitely better. I give you my solemn promise!
  4. You must learn how to strategically market to get the best buyers to your clinic. Tactical-based marketing is all but dead!
  5. You must be willing to spend time and money and surround yourself with advisers who have accomplished what you want to do. The time and money that you think that you are saving is no savings at all. Here is a litmus test. If your practice and life are no better than they were 12 months ago stop wasting time and money and hire someone.
  6. You must learn how to run a business. You must learn how to automate for retirement savings, create emergency funds, use debt wisely if at all and how to budget.

I want to help you but I can only help you when you are ready to be helped. It took the couple who sent me that text above about 18 months before they set up their strategy session. How long have you been saying I have to call that guy? Summer-time is a great time to start to rebuild or build a practice. In September we start goal setting for the upcoming year.

Now is the time to get your infrastructure and marketing working so when everyone returns home from vacation you are SUPER-READY to help them. By clicking below you will receive a complimentary and without obligation practice analysis and strategy session. You will be sold NOTHING. You will get a detailed profile to fill out which is introspective for you and diagnostic for me. I will tell you what you have to do and if you want to learn how I can help you I will tell you at the end. If you just want to take the plan and leave that is fine too. Just let me help you if you are ready to be helped! Your future is bright because we will help you re-kindle that first day in practice feeling. We will help you set up your financial infrastructure to become financially independent. We will help you set up strategic marketing campaigns. We will help you in short develop the level of success that you aspire to achieve.

We offer step by step strategies coupled with world class support coupled with mind-set and performance coaching which will give you results that you will be very proud to own.

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Please do not deny yourself the opportunity to create real, long-lasting positive change to your practice. Learn how our clients grew their practice 165% on average from 2008-2017( the years Obama care were launched) and why you can grow too. If you want coaching nobody is turned away because of fees. We have all types of payment plans and hardship plans that will fit anyone’s budget.

How to Save Your Medical Practice Money – 5 Action Steps (Part 1)

The key to getting good results from a good idea is to implement the idea. The problem with most blogs (mine included) is that there is a ton of great information but it is difficult to implement all of the ideas because of the volume. I have just solved the problem. Over the next few weeks I am going to give you a bazillion money-saving and money-making great ideas. Only a few will be given in each blog which will allow you to easily implement the ideas. Each week make it a habit to implement the ideas and when completed you could be saving in excess of $20,000 per year!

  1. Get reimbursed for ATM fees. Ask and you will most likely receive. Most online banks will reimburse you for fees incurred when you use another banks ATM machine. Some brick and mortar banks will do the same. Call the bank and request a refund. At best they will say yes and at worst they will say no. If they say yes you can save an average of $4.00 per transaction.
  2. Don’t upgrade your cell phone so fast. Most cell phone companies will allow you to pay off your phone in 24-30 months. After that time frame you own the phone free and clear. If you keep the phone and don’t upgrade you will save on average $45.00 per month.
  3. Don’t buy multiple memberships if you live in the same householdAmazon prime and Netflix allows the sharing of their memberships between two adults and up to four kids. This can save you $50.00 per year for Amazon prime and $48.00 per year for Netflix.
  4. Stop doing your own taxes. Hire and use a CPA to do your taxes. One audit or one dis-allowance will more than pay for his or her services. Depending on the amount of dis-allowance or penalty can cause your saving to be HUGE!
  5. Use ceiling fans. Your air conditioner is the most expensive electric appliance that you have in your home. As a matter of fact depending on where you live you could be spending about fifty cents per hour to run your AC. A ceiling fan uses about a penny an hour. In the summer-time run the fan counter-clockwise to push the cold air down. In the winter time reverse the direction to clockwise to move the cold air up where it will mix with the hot air (heat rises) already there. This can save you about $8.00 per day.

Start implementing these bite-sized pieces and start saving money!

At Inselman Coaching, you are a Chiropractor, Physical Therapist, Medical Doctor, Osteopath, Acupuncturist, or other health care professional who wants to become a top performer in their field. I am an experienced, results-oriented coach and consultant who teaches clients that clear goal setting, modern procedures, and strategic-based marketing are the keys to their success.

The majority of clients that we work with are looking to improve upon the following areas:

  1. They want to have more than 10 ways working right now to get new patients.
  2. Before they deploy even a single tactic (such as an ad, trade show, sales call, email, direct mail, etc.), they want to be able to think through the ultimate goal in the mind of the buyer.
  3. They want to learn how to maximize each tactic so that each one achieves at least six strategic objectives.
  4. They want to preempt their competition every time so they are nearly powerless, even when offering a lower price.
  5. They want to be able to have their company run without them so they can have for free time.
  6. They want to spend time working ON their business instead of IN it, resulting in a constant effort to increase profits at every turn.
  7. They want to perfect their “arena pitch” so they know exactly what they would say if they could get in front of all their potential buyers at once.
  8. They want to have several brilliant and well-planned strategies that constantly get you them the “best buyers” that the

We offer step by step strategies coupled with world class support coupled with mind-set and performance coaching which will give you results that you will be very proud to own.

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How to Save Megabucks-Do These Easy Action Steps Part 1

The key to getting good results from a good idea is to implement the idea. The problem with most blogs (mine included) is that there is a ton of great information but it is difficult to implement all of the ideas because of the volume. I have just solved the problem. Over the next few weeks I am going to give you a bazillion money-saving and money-making great ideas. Only a few will be given in each blog which will allow you to easily implement the ideas. Each week make it a habit to implement the ideas and when completed you could be saving in excess of $20,000 per year!

  1. Get reimbursed for ATM fees. Ask and you will most likely receive. Most online banks will reimburse you for fees incurred when you use another banks ATM machine. Some brick and mortar banks will do the same. Call the bank and request a refund. At best they will say yes and at worst they will say no. If they say yes you can save an average of $4.00 per transaction.
  2. Don’t upgrade your cell phone so fast. Most cell phone companies will allow you to pay off your phone in 24-30 months. After that time frame you own the phone free and clear. If you keep the phone and don’t upgrade you will save on average $45.00 per month.
  3. Don’t buy multiple memberships if you live in the same householdAmazon prime and Netflix allows the sharing of their memberships between two adults and up to four kids. This can save you $50.00 per year for Amazon prime and $48.00 per year for Netflix.
  4. Stop doing your own taxes. Hire and use a CPA to do your taxes. One audit or one dis-allowance will more than pay for his or her services. Depending on the amount of dis-allowance or penalty can cause your saving to be HUGE!
  5. Use ceiling fans. Your air conditioner is the most expensive electric appliance that you have in your home. As a matter of fact depending on where you live you could be spending about fifty cents per hour to run your AC. A ceiling fan uses about a penny an hour. In the summer-time run the fan counter-clockwise to push the cold air down. In the winter time reverse the direction to clockwise to move the cold air up where it will mix with the hot air (heat rises) already there. This can save you about $8.00 per day.

Start implementing these bite-sized pieces and start saving money!

Creative Coaching, LLC , the first professional business coaching company to offer no long-term contracts has been successfully coaching clients just like you for the past fourteen years. We have been trail-blazers in the industry helping to create millionaires and offering a money back guarantee. Our job is three-fold:

  1. We help our clients earn more money
  2. We help our clients save money
  3. We help our clients money earn them more money (working smarter not harder)

Our CEO’s are enjoying another terrific and stress-free year in business. Isn’t it time that you enjoyed that too?  If you still feel that you are struggling, you will be thrilled to know that Dr. Paul S. Inselman, CEO of  has formulated a specific step by step process that will help you to become a more powerful business leader. Our clients income has grown on average 165% since 2008. In 2016 alone they were up on average a whopping 44%! In all the years that I have been coaching, I haven’t seen one CEO that executed the steps above and that utilized our procedures that failed to be a better and more powerful leader.

You Cannot Grow Your Practice If You Cannot See…Interesting!


When the towers came tumbling down on that terrible day on September 11, then Mayor, Rudy Giuliani was running towards the Towers. His security detail stopped him saying, “you can’t go there Mr. Mayor, it is bad!” Giuliani replied, “I can’t lead if I can’t see.”

This is probably one of the most profound quotes that you will ever read. You are probably thinking great Paul but how is this going to help me build my practice? Please, let me explain; I am confident it will be well worth the read.

As our clients are well aware, we help create millionaires. We do it by teaching sound business principles, creating goals and executing meaningful action steps to achieve our purpose.

The first thing that you have to realize is anyone who has achieved any level of success has VISUALIZED that success far before they ever achieved it. You see the subconscious mind does not care and does not know the difference between a real and vividly imagined experience. What that means is if you visualize exactly what you want your practice to look like, coupled with visualizing the precise steps to get you there viola…you get that result. Yes it really is that easy and that is one of the first skills that we teach our clients. Once they can see what they want in their mind’s eye they can create the steps to get there.

If you don’t think this is important why don’t you try this little experiment. The next time you go to drive your car put a blind-fold on. See how far and how safe your journey would be. (PLEASE DO NOT DRIVE WITH A BLIND-FOLD, I WAS JUST TRYING TO MAKE A POINT, I AM NOT SERIOUS IN THAT SUGGESTION…OK I AM NOW LEGALLY COVERED )

Next example, think of any professional athlete. They visualize the ball going swoosh; they visualize where the puck is going to be; they visualize every mogul on the ski slope. They visualize their greatness; and they achieve it!

When Neil Armstrong came back from the moon he said “just like book” because he played let’s pretend 42 bazillion times before he walked on the moon. He visualized every step, every knob turn, every toggle switch, every step…he visualized everything so when the task was actually done he had already done it in his mind’s eye. Visualization is and always will be a game changer that only 1% of the population will ever use….hmmm that is an interesting fact!

Here are some action steps that you can deploy:

  1. Understand that you will manifest what your dominant thought is-if your dominant thought is fear, lack, or trepidation watch how you get more fear, more lack and more trepidation. Do more “be level” action steps to change your thinking.
  2. Remember what you see is what you get. Do you see an empty reception area or a full one? Do you see patient happily paying your bill or complaining about a lack of coverage. Do you see yourself as successful and at the top of your game; or, do you see your self in an ongoing struggle? Learn how to visualize properly. Get some book or MP3’s on the subject. This is one of the first things that we teach all of our clients. What they see is what they will manifest and you can absolutely take that to the bank.

Stop working harder and start working smarter. Visualization is a powerful tool that when mastered you can literally have anything that you want. ANYTHING? Yes anything! The only limit to your success are your fears that stop you from taking different action. The fear of wanting to be coached but how can I afford it? The fear of having to do things differently? The fear that coaching can’t help you. The fear that it won’t work, your staff will reject it, etc.  In short any other fear that you have, that is the only thing that is holding you back. How do I know with 100% certainty? Because I once lived in your shoes. When I made the hard decision to move past my fear, guess what…a new successful me was born. It can happen to you too! Living in fear, respectfully just plain sucks!!

Now is the time to create a better rest of the year for yourself. If you would allow me to help you may click the button below and receive a free and no-obligation 1 on 1 practice analysis and strategy session. Just click the button below. In all the years that I have been coaching practitioners just like you, I haven’t seen one practice that did the steps above and that utilized our procedures that failed to grow their practice.

We offer step by step strategies coupled with world class support coupled with mind-set and performance coaching which will give you results that you will be very proud to own.

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Practical Steps to Creating YOUR Brand


Since Chiropractic is a personality-driven business it is imperative to create YOUR brand. The word YOUR was highlighted and bolded for a reason. Since you are not McDonald’s, Subway or another franchise you will have to take the necessary steps to brand yourself. When you buy into a franchise the branding is done for you already; which is essentially what you are buying.

Correct branding will lead to easier marketing and increased revenue. Poor branding can be the kiss of death. This is why it is pretty important to get it right…the first time!

When you decide to work with a coach it is very important that you work on branding YOUR practice and vision and not the coach’s brand or vision. Many clients that come to me after having been coached by others failed in their programs because the coach was trying to clone the client. Unless you are the same personality type, guess what? It is going to be very hard to pull off.

For example. There are many Chiropractic coaches who are very aggressive, sales-oriented personalities. If you are not that personality type then you will never be able to get the results using their aggressively worded scripts and actions. It is not who you are.

Here are some steps that will help you brand YOUR practice. The operative word is YOUR.

  1. Decide what your purpose-mission-and vision statements are. If you don’t know why you get up in the morning (I can guarantee that it is not to earn an extra two dollars), and if you don’t know how to create an effective “mission” it will be virtually impossible to create what you truly want.
  2. Create a Unique Value Proposition (UVP)- your UVP is really the central hub of your universe. It is what separates you from every other doctor on the planet earth. It is why people will want to give you their hard-earned money.
  3. Mercedes is a brand. So is Toyota. What are the differences in the brands. How do you want to be perceived in the market-place?
  4. Develop your story and share it with the world.

For Example the Inselmancoaching brand was founded on the purpose that we help everybody regardless of race, religion, creed, or income status to excel to their highest potential. Our vision is that Chiropractors will take the rightful reigns to be the leaders of health care. Not sick care but health care. Nobody who wants coaching will be left behind.

We teach our clients by executing our mission which is to create millionaires who have the economic freedom to give back and help others. We do it by creating systems, organization, and the teaching of time-honored business principles.

The Inselmancoaching brand is one of detail and excellence. We demonstrate excellence by returning all calls, emails, and texts by the end of the business day but they are usually returned within an hour. We teach time-honored business principles that aren’t taught anywhere else because they are proprietary. They get tremendous results. Three millionaires were created Q1. Our clients grew on average 44% in 2016 and 165% since 2008.

We offer step by step strategies coupled with world class support coupled with mind-set and performance coaching which will give you results that you will be very proud to own.

We are available 24/7 and we were the first coaching company to have NO long-term contracts and a 100% money back guarantee. We are an innovative company and very proud of how many clients that we have helped over the past 14 years.

Click the video to hear some humbling and cool stories…

Start creating YOUR brand. Then start marketing your brand and watch your practice soar!

Stop working harder and start working smarter. To have a free and no-obligation 1 on 1 practice analysis and strategy session click the button below. In all the years that I have been coaching practitioners just like you, I haven’t seen one practice that did the steps above and that utilized our procedures that failed to grow their practice.

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How to Get the Best Support Staff that Makes You Money Too!

A great support staff is made not born. Once you decide that YOU are ready to have the best staff on the planet earth, adopt these suggestions and watch how easy it can be.

  1. Be Slow to hire and quick to fire-most small business owners get this wrong and do it backwards. They hire quickly because they need someone. That particular hire does not do well and shows no signs of improving. Instead of cutting your losses; most small business owners will wish, hope and pray that the hire magically turns around. After seven months of frustration the employee is finally let go. The lesson: Be Slow to hire and quick to fire.
  2. Failure to know the characteristics that you are looking to hire-If you don’t know the specific traits that you are looking how can you plan the perfect hire? Do you want a great people person? An analytical person? How about an energizer bunny? You see it is imperative to know the specific traits that you are looking for. Think of it like dating. When you dated didn’t you have a specific hair color, personality, body type, and educational status in mind. Think of hiring like dating. Take the time to write down the specific characteristics that you are looking for. Doing this exercise will greatly enhance your odds of finding that perfect person. The lesson: know the characteristics that you are looking to hire.
  3. Give expectation and Train, Train, and Train- If you fail to tell your new hire exactly what is expected, how can you get angry when they don’t live up to your expectation. This is probably the single largest cardinal mistake that I see. Failure to communicate expectation and failure to train. Spend the time and money to properly train. It will pay you dividends for years and decades to come. Do you have a training manual? If not, guess what now would be a good time to create one. Do you have weekly staff training session? If not, I bet you guessed it already. The lesson: Give expectation and Train, Train, and Train.

Using the suggestions above will lead to a better trained staff, more profits and more fun in business. Creative Coaching, LLC , the first professional business coaching company to offer no long-term contracts has been successfully coaching clients just like you for the past fourteen years. We have been trail-blazers in the industry helping to create millionaires and offering a money back guarantee.

Our CEO’s are enjoying another terrific and stress-free year in business. Isn’t it time that you enjoyed that too?  If you still feel that you are struggling, you will be thrilled to know that Dr. Paul S. Inselman, CEO of  has formulated a specific step by step process that will help you to become a more powerful business leader. Our clients income has grown on average 165% since 2008. In 2016 alone they were up on average a whopping 44%! In all the years that I have been coaching, I haven’t seen one CEO that executed the steps above and that utilized our procedures that failed to be a better and more powerful leader. Click here for a complimentary and no-obligation 1 on 1 business analysis and strategy session. Find out for yourself where your weaker areas are and how to fix them! Stop wishing, praying and hoping and take the meaningful step that will get you to where you want to be.