You are practicing in the best of times and the worst of times depending on how you position your practice. For the past 39 months I have been shouting from the mountain-tops and trying to position health-care professionals for Obama-care phase 1, 2, 3.
Obama care phase 3 will hit January 2017. Premiums are forecasted to rise 10-70%! This is going to put a major squeeze on the pocketbooks and on the psyche towards health-care in general for most people. This is no joking matter and the time to take action is NOW.
I stated before that these are the best and worst of times to be practicing; let me explain why. No matter what the state of the economy when somebody gets sick they are going to need a doctor. That is why health-care should be recession-proof. The public in general is tired of taking drugs with their side effects, coupled with an impersonal health-care delivery system. These two facts will allow you to properly position your practice!
Alternative care practitioners like Chiropractors and Acupuncturists who can create tremendous value for patients will thrive because the public is frustrated with health care in its present form. This is being played out in the present election. Love him or hate him, Donald Trump has captured the frustration of the American people enough to become the nominee of his party. When you as a health-care practitioner can deliver your care better, faster, and nicer than the present system allows, you will have more patients than you can handle.
Think about this for a moment. What would happen if your patient who is struggling to pay their bills had their flat screen television break? You can bet your bottom dollar that they would be at the store buying a new one the very next day. The point, they value their television more than their health.
Practitioners will fall into several categories: New practitioners, veteran practitioners who have fallen on hard times; veteran practitioners who are doing well but can’t break through to the next level; and elite practitioners who are earning seven figures. Let’s look at each group and specifically how professional business coaching can help them.
The New Practitioner
The new practitioner presents with many challenges. Most new practitioners were not taught how to run the business side of a practice when they attended school. This group is ripe for making costly mistakes. A business coach is imperative because respectfully, a new practitioner doesn’t know what they don’t know; a coach will teach them the business side of practice while helping to protect their capital. I have worked with hundreds of new practitioners over the years and have saved them thousands of dollars in lease negotiations, equipment negotiations and the acquisition of capital. Many new practitioners start business coaching with me as early as their 6-7th semester in school. This group will work with our financial team to streamline debt and capture every legal deduction possible. They will also be taught how to start saving for retirement. We have new practitioner programs that will fit any budget.
The Veteran Practitioner who has Fallen on hard Times
This group is the saddest group. These are good practitioners who have been practicing 15-30 years who have lost just about everything and are struggling to make ends meet. It is so sad because many of them had 7-figure practices back in the ninety’s. When I work with this group the first thing we do is restore hope and anticipation. Once this practitioner can see the possibility that things can be better we can then start to modernize their procedures. This group typically has not kept up with modern marketing procedures and they too are ripe for costly mistakes. This group will work with our financial team to help with debt consolidation/reduction; meaningful cost-cutting and creating a financial path to wholeness. To grow their practice, this group is taught strategic-based marketing within their limited budgets. We have hardship programs that will fit any budget.
The Veteran Practitioner Who is Doing Well but Can’t Break Through to the Next Level
This group is exciting to work with. They are usually earning $500-$750,000/year; have done great but are just stuck and can’t get to the $1,000,000 level. When I work with this group, they usually just need a tweak of their procedures and marketing strategies which gets them through the glass ceiling. Then the real fun begins. Helping them shape their space, team and procedures to be able to maintain the 7-figure practice and grow from there.
The Elite Practitioner
This group is the top of the food chain. Earning 7-figures plus this group has very unique challenges. This group gets coached on advanced tax strategies like IRS section 1250 and 1245 in the tax code. DPAD deductions and other advanced legal, but often overlooked strategies. Some of these deductions have resulted in six-figure refunds! This group also usually requires advanced staff training so their associates become profitable coupled with meaningful goal setting, vision-mission and purpose statements and advanced organization skills.
You can absolutely grow your practice from any level and I want you to prove it to yourself. Click this link and schedule a free, no-obligation coaching session. You choose the topic and experience specifically how much different and effective my methods are. Our clients are up on average 150% since 2008 and you can be too!