I have said this many times before. Growing a business is easy when you do the following:
- Have clarity-Clarity=success; lack of clarity=failure
- Have written goals complete with actions steps
- Live by this equation Intention + Action = Result if you do not like the result change the action steps UNTIL YOU GET THE DESIRED RESULT
- Never Ever Give Up-the day you give up is the day that you fail
- Have a pleasing personality
- Give more service than you get paid for
- Keep innovating your business. Your business should look different every 5 years
- Make sure your office presents a clean and professional atmosphere
- Train your staff so they are profit centers
- Smile more
- Work on your headspace
- Read motivational books
- Shut off the TV-especially the news
- Create systems-a business that is not run on systems is a hobby
- Know your numbers-keep statistics and a good set of books
- Do a bank reconcilliation as soon as the bank sends your bank statement
- Pay your taxes on time
- Do quarterly estimates so you are not caught short on estimated payments
- Create a lead generation system
- Hire a team of professionals that can help you navigate the pitfalls of business without having an emotional tie
- Schedule vacations at least once per year, but preferably every three months
- Learn the language of Disc
- Learn how to upsell, downsell and cross sell
- Create a market dominating position
- Learn where you are losing revenue
I’ve got a very cool process where I can find any business owner $10,000-$100,000 in lost revenue in 45 minutes or less. I can also show that business owner how to reclaim that lost revenue without spending an additional dime on marketing or advertising. If you want me to find you a minimum of $10,000.00, Click here.