My grandfather used to say, “rich or poor it is better to have money.” You know what? He was right. Money buys you better nutrition, better necessities, better education, better maintenance and upkeep on everything in your life and peace of mind.
Since everyone strives to have more money; it baffles my mind how people are such poor stewards of the green stuff.
Here are some tips and tricks to help you make and save more money.
Keep your fixed costs down– Your rent, mortgage, telephone, insurance bills etc. will come every single month without fail. These are called fixed costs. The key to wealth accumulation is keep those pesky costs DOWN! Buying or renting a smaller home keeps your mortgage or rent down. It keeps your taxes down. It lowers your insurance costs, maintenance costs and electric costs too. Do you really need that bigger house over a smaller one?
What about your car? Do you really need the more expensive one which raises your insurance, gas, and maintenance costs over the less expensive one?
Pay off Debt and stay out of debt before you start investing-Debt is the absolute killer of dreams. As the Fed continues to raise rates your debt becomes more expensive. The key is to stay out of debt in the first place. If you have debt, then the key is to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Use this thought…DEBT=CANCER (DEADLY, UGLY CANCER THAT WILL RAVAGE YOU AND ULTIMATELY KILL YOU) Do you still want to use that plastic?
Clients often ask me what they should invest in. I agree, investing is a huge key to wealth accumulation after you get rid of debt. Getting loan and credit card balances down to zero and keeping them there is a very straightforward way strategy for increased wealth.
Start with these suggestions and tomorrow I will give you some more tips.
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