Tag Archives: business help

How to Make More Money by Organizing in a Chaotic World

Face it: The daily demands on a business owner are difficult at best. Making sales, while finding opportunities to market, train staff, and create quality family time can be tough to balance in this era of our fast-paced world.
The rules seem to continually change, which puts further demands on your already-stressed schedule. Therefore, organization is one of the major components of success. Typically, when starting to get organized, the first task is to put out fires. Emergency situations arise when you are not proactive. If you are disorganized, it is impossible to be proactive because you are constantly squashing fires — and so the cycle continues.

But if you follow the steps below, you will become proactive and prevent most (if not all) of the time drains that plague you and your business every day. Follow all of the rules, not just the ones you prefer. It will take about four to six weeks before your new system is working smoothly. Stay the course and then enjoy the rewards of heightened profits and more free time.
Rule 1: Choose your calendar method. Consider an electronic version like Google Calendar. It is free and syncs with an Android phone and PC perfectly. And it will work with an iPhone, too, or you can use an Apple-based calendar. Whatever you use, make sure it syncs with your smart phone and computer or laptop.

Rule 2: Use your calendar as a check sheet for completed action steps.

Rule 3: Set your entries to alert you 15 minutes in advance of upcoming tasks. When a task pops up, you have three choices:

  1. Perform the task and check off as completed
  2. Move the task to a later time that day
  3. Move the task to a later day

Do not dismiss a task as completed unless it is. By keeping the item in your calendar, the rules will force you to accomplish it.

Rule 4: Don’t move a task more than three times. On the third time, you make one of three choices:

  1. Perform the task and check it off as complete
  2. Move the task to a later time — on the same day
  3. Dismiss the task and remove it from your calendar.

Rule 5: Don’t go to sleep until every­thing on your calendar for the day is completed. This will act as a backstop even if you have moved tasks three times. It forces you to either perform the task or take it off your plate. This rule is designed to ensure you stick to your agenda. Successful businesses are built on the execution of meaningful steps. Being held accountable is a recipe for success.
The rules described above can work infallibly. If you dismiss alerts for uncompleted tasks, chances are you will forget to attend to them. If you move things more than three times, you probably won’t accomplish them. If you fail to complete your list before bed, you will be guaranteed poor outcomes.

This system takes about four to six weeks to master as you experiment with the proper number of tasks for your schedule. During the first month, give yourself some extra leeway until you know the right amount of work to put on your calendar.

You deserve to be happy, respected, and living the life you desire. Disorganization is a detriment to happiness, respect and wealth. Systematize everything and then workthe system. Your reward will be more steps completed, a better feeling of self-worth, a larger business, and ultimately more money and time to spend with your family.

If you still feel that you are struggling, you will be thrilled to know that Dr. Paul S. Inselman, CEO of Creativecoachingllc.net  has formulated a specific step by step process that will help you to become a more powerful business leader. Our clients income has grown on average 150% since 2008. In twelve years, I haven’t seen one business that executed the steps above and that utilized our procedures that failed to grow their business. We take a top down approach that consists of increasing income, decreasing expenses and protecting your assets. Why am I so confident (100% certainty) that these tips will create better growth and a more successful and fun business? Two reasons: (1) I coach business owners just like you everyday and have seen excellent, duplicative results and (2) Every single day I get a call, email or text from an existing client telling me that since they implemented these procedures and suggestions, they have more money than they ever had before; they love their staff; they are having more fun in business; or they had a record day in sales. Or, they had a record week in collections. Or, they had a record month across the board! Please don’t take my word for it. Click here for a complimentary no-obligation consultation and find out for yourself how I can help you grow your business ethically, legally and with integrity; get more free time and have fun again.  Get to the next level and beyond. Stop wishing, praying and hoping and take the meaningful step that will get you to where you want to be.

Stop Selling Your Prospects and Educate Them Instead

stop selling

A common and rightful complaint from many business owners is, “I hate selling, it makes me feel slimy.” Good for you because you should never have to sell your customers or clients on anything. Your prospects should CHOOSE to use your services, or buy your product because they want to. Them wanting to choose you is the thrust behind this article.

Rules of Educating

  1. Change your verbiage from selling to serving
  2. Ask questions
  3. Determine what the person’s problem is
  4. Create a clear-cut well-defined specific plan of how you will solve that problem
  5. Educate about how your services will solve their problem
  6. Compare and contrast the benefits of using your services vs. the penalties that they will incur if they don’t
  7. Always make the words that come out of your mouth about the other person and never about yourself. Use words like you, they and them; instead of I, and me
  8. Try and use independent referenced data instead of you stating your opinion
  9. Create different educational forums-websites, newsletters, lectures,webinars, articles, etc.
  10. Know the end result of what you are looking to have the person do with their new-found education

Once you have educated your prospect, give them choices of how to move forward. Make the choices about THEM not you. Serve, Serve, Serve, and watch your business grow.

If you still feel that you are struggling, you will be thrilled to know that Dr. Paul S. Inselman, CEO of Creativecoachingllc.net  has formulated a specific step by step process that will help you to become a more powerful business leader. Our clients income has grown on average 150% since 2008. In twelve years, I haven’t seen one business that executed the steps above and that utilized our procedures that failed to grow their business. We take a top down approach that consists of increasing income, decreasing expenses and protecting your assets. Why am I so confident (100% certainty) that these tips will create better growth and a more successful and fun business? Two reasons: (1) I coach business owners just like you everyday and have seen excellent, duplicative results and (2) Every single day I get a call, email or text from an existing client telling me that since they implemented these procedures and suggestions, they have more money than they ever had before; they love their staff; they are having more fun in business; or they had a record day in sales. Or, they had a record week in collections. Or, they had a record month across the board! Please don’t take my word for it. Click here for a complimentary no-obligation consultation and find out for yourself how I can help you grow your business ethically, legally and with integrity; get more free time and have fun again.  Get to the next level and beyond. Stop wishing, praying and hoping and take the meaningful step that will get you to where you want to be.

Want More Free Time? Then Do These Simple Things!

Hamster wheel

Do you feel like you are running on a hamster wheel all of the time? Do you feel burnt out and stressed out? Guess what you are not alone. While misery loves company, that kind of misery I think you can do without.

It is interesting to note that 1% of the population (1 percenters) have controlled 99% (99 percenters) of all of the wealth of the world since the beginning of time. Here is another interesting tidbit. if you were to re-distribute, that is take the wealth from the 1% and give it back to the 99%; within a few years the wealth would go back to the 1 percenters. This is evidenced by lottery winners. The majority of lottery winners who win 10, 20 and 50 million dollars end of flat broke within 10 years.

It is not luck that makes a 1 percenter a 1 percenter. It is the way they approach life, think about life and act on opportunity. To get off of the hamster wheel and add more productivity and free-time to your day try these suggestions:

  1. Focus on one thing. What task will have the biggest impact on you reaching your goal? Once you have found that task-work on it for at least two hours everyday without interruptions. This will allow you to hone in on that major task that will give you the highest return and the greatest amount of satisfaction.
  2. Stop procrastination. Procrastination is the killer of dreams. Make a schedule and stick to the schedule. If something pops up on your calendar for the third time either do the task or remove the task and never look at it or do it again. This will force you to take action. Let me repeat, if you fail to perform the task after the third time you either do it that day or you are forbidden from doing it in the future.
  3. Make it home for dinner. Highly successful people create a balance. Yes they work long and hard but at the end of the day they know that relationships and family time are the most important thing that any of us have. Money is nice but relationships are the fuel to allow you to earn money. I promise you that there will always be more to do. There will always be another meeting. However your children won’t be three forever.
  4. They say no to almost everything. Warren Buffet was quoted as saying, “The difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say ‘no’ to almost everything.” Remember you only have 1,440 minutes each day. Unless giving that time is going to help you achieve your goals, don’t give it away.
  5. They Have a Morning Routine. I like to teach my clients “habits of excellence”. That is to say they create a morning routine that puts their mind-body and soul in the right state so they can accomplish their greatness.
  6. They touch things one time. How many times do you touch a piece of mail? Do you open it, put it down; start reading later; get interrupted; put it down again etc? Highly successful people “touch it once.” If they touch it–they deal with it immediately. Doing so reduces stress since they don’t have to think about it anymore, and it’s more efficient since they won’t have to re-read or evaluate the item again in the future.

Please take a look at that list again. What will you do differently as a result of reading it?
Are you living in fear? Are you afraid of investing time and money in yourself? Are your communications skills and relationship skills in need of improvement?

If you still feel that you are struggling, you will be thrilled to know that Dr. Paul S. Inselman, CEO of Creativecoachingllc.net  has formulated a specific step by step process that will help you to become a more powerful business leader. Our clients income has grown on average 150% since 2008. In twelve years, I haven’t seen one business that executed the steps above and that utilized our procedures that failed to grow their business. We take a top down approach that consists of increasing income, decreasing expenses and protecting your assets. Why am I so confident (100% certainty) that these tips will create better growth and a more successful and fun business? Two reasons: (1) I coach business owners just like you everyday and have seen excellent, duplicative results and (2) Every single day I get a call, email or text from an existing client telling me that since they implemented these procedures and suggestions, they have more money than they ever had before; they love their staff; they are having more fun in business; or they had a record day in sales. Or, they had a record week in collections. Or, they had a record month across the board! Please don’t take my word for it. Click here for a complimentary no-obligation consultation and find out for yourself how I can help you grow your business ethically, legally and with integrity; get more free time and have fun again.  Get to the next level and beyond. Stop wishing, praying and hoping and take the meaningful step that will get you to where you want to be.

Do You Have The Same Traits that Uber-Successful Business Owners Have?


I consult and coach people from all walks of life. My clients are scattered in 47 of our 50 states and I have a handful from Europe and several from the Middle East. When I was thinking of what I would write today, a thought came to me. What qualities do the most successful people who I coach have that others do not? I am confident that you will find the article interesting. More importantly than just finding the article interesting, I hope it sparks you take different action steps then you might be taking now.
In discussing with my most successful clients (those earning well north of 7 figures per year, who are happy, balanced and have great relationships) why they are at the levels they are at? It is interesting to note that they all told me basically the same things.

  1. They get up each morning for a specific reason(they have a purpose)
  2. They have a daily routine that they follow without fail
  3. They have written goals and action steps
  4. They are not afraid to make mistakes as long as they learn from their mistakes
  5. They look for the good in every situation
  6. They don’t watch TV
  7. They study about their market, or product, constantly
  8. They surround themselves with great people and ask for their opinions
  9. They make decisions-it does not matter if it is a good or bad decision they don’t live in the world of indecision
  10. They invest time and money on improving themselves
  11. They donate heavily to worthy causes
  12. They donate their time to help others
  13. They read a tremendous amount and on various topics
  14. They play chess or other thought-provoking games (bridge, gin, poker)
  15. They get professionally coached to be held accountable
  16. They have great relationships
  17. They are spiritual
  18. They never give up and they never take no for an answer
  19. They admit when they are wrong
  20. They take full responsibility for their successes and failures
  21. They enjoy life
  22. They take money management very seriously
  23. They do not boast
  24. They do not waste
  25. They live below their means

Please take a look at that list again. What will you do differently as a result of reading it?
Are you living in fear? Are you afraid of investing time and money in yourself? Are your communications skills and relationship skills in need of improvement?

If you still feel that you are struggling, you will be thrilled to know that Dr. Paul S. Inselman, CEO of Creativecoachingllc.net  has formulated a specific step by step process that will help you to become a more powerful business leader. Our clients income has grown on average 150% since 2008. In twelve years, I haven’t seen one business that executed the steps above and that utilized our procedures that failed to grow their business. We take a top down approach that consists of increasing income, decreasing expenses and protecting your assets. Why am I so confident (100% certainty) that these tips will create better growth and a more successful and fun business? Two reasons: (1) I coach business owners just like you everyday and have seen excellent, duplicative results and (2) Every single day I get a call, email or text from an existing client telling me that since they implemented these procedures and suggestions, they have more money than they ever had before; they love their staff; they are having more fun in business; or they had a record day in sales. Or, they had a record week in collections. Or, they had a record month across the board! Please don’t take my word for it. Click here for a complimentary no-obligation consultation and find out for yourself how I can help you grow your business ethically, legally and with integrity; get more free time and have fun again.  Get to the next level and beyond. Stop wishing, praying and hoping and take the meaningful step that will get you to where you want to be.

Are You Making These Financial Mistakes?

money mistakes

Business confidence, business savvy, organization, and accountability are four very important skills that are needed to achieve financial security.

Once those skills are learned, it is quite easy to create financial security for you and your family. It is important to note that financial mistakes can destroy all of your hard work very quickly. Nobody is perfect. I promise you that everyone makes mistakes. Some mistakes might be unavoidable, especially if you are in financial distress. However, the majority of mistakes that are made by business owners are avoidable, once they know what to look for.

When growing your business and your finances it is important that you work with your coach on two fronts: (1) How to improve business skills and (2) How to avoid or minimize mistakes. Please use the following list to determine if you are making mistakes; and if so, please make the necessary corrections as quickly as possible.
1. Not updating wills and beneficiaries-according to Consumer Reports eighty-six percent of their readers hadn’t updated their wills or other estate-planning documents within the previous five years.

2. Not telling family about financial information In only 30 percent of households did both spouses know major details about the family finances. I recommend that you create a master sheet with all of your account information, passwords and websites and keep that list with your will. Make sure that you update the list at lease one time per year.

3. Not maximizing retirement contributions To achieve financial independence it is imperative that you contribute the maximum amount to your retirement funds. It is also imperative to know the expenses of the funds and to minimize your expenses where ever you can. For eg. mutual funds typically charge a much higher expense than Exchange traded funds (ETF’s).

Under-insuring. The same Consumer Reports article sites that only 36 percent of homeowners had purchased full replacement cost on their homeowners policy. Only 20 percent had an umbrella policy. It is also important to make sure that you have under-insurance or uninsured motorist insurance if you are in a state that offers that coverage. Please check with your insurance agent to determine what is best for your individual situation.

5. Not having an emergency fund. Emergencies can come at any time. To best protect yourself, you should have a minimum of one year’s personal and business expenses in an account. Think of the security that an extra $30,000 or greater would give you. Start slow, just put $20 per week away, it adds up over time. Of course, if you can afford more, then go ahead and put more away.

6. Mismanaging Debt- Debt is the killer of dreams. Incurring credit card debt has been widespread in this economy. If you are in credit card debt, it is imperative to put your cards away and don’t charge anything else on them until the debt is erased. If you can’t afford something then do without it instead of charging it. Try and apply for a 0-balance transfer card and move your debt to that card. Doing this, will allow you to put every dollar repaid towards principal instead of interest.

7. Not knowing how to run an effective, profitable business- If you are in business then it is important to know how to run and mange that business.

As discussed earlier, everyone makes mistakes. The important thing is not to beat yourself up if you have made mistakes, but rather learn from the mistake and correct it as soon as possible. You can learn to run an effective business and you can learn how to avoid or correct financial mistakes.

If you still feel that you are struggling, you will be thrilled to know that Dr. Paul S. Inselman, CEO of Creativecoachingllc.net  has formulated a specific step by step process that will help you to become a more powerful business leader. Our clients income has grown on average 150% since 2008. In twelve years, I haven’t seen one business that executed the steps above and that utilized our procedures that failed to grow their business. We take a top down approach that consists of increasing income, decreasing expenses and protecting your assets. Why am I so confident (100% certainty) that these tips will create better growth and a more successful and fun business? Two reasons: (1) I coach business owners just like you everyday and have seen excellent, duplicative results and (2) Every single day I get a call, email or text from an existing client telling me that since they implemented these procedures and suggestions, they have more money than they ever had before; they love their staff; they are having more fun in business; or they had a record day in sales. Or, they had a record week in collections. Or, they had a record month across the board! Please don’t take my word for it. Click here for a free no-obligation consultation and find out for yourself how I can help you grow your business ethically, legally and with integrity; get more free time and have fun again.  Get to the next level and beyond. Stop wishing, praying and hoping and take the meaningful step that will get you to where you want to be.

Why Clients Leave and How to Fix it So They Want to Stay


Clients and customers will typically fall into two categories. Those clients and customers that get the big idea of your mission and purpose who love your products and service; and those that don’t. The good news is 99% of ALL customers have the capability of learning the big picture of your company if you spend enough time educating them before, during and after the sale.

Customers who are educated about who your company is and what you are about generally will return for repeat business in the future. If you are delivering great products and services, what causes a customer not to reorder, or a client to leave prematurely?

The following list will answer those questions:
1. The person does not feel valued
2. The person does not feel listened to
3. You are not present
4. You are not creating continued value for the client or customer
5. Your skill-sets need improvement
6. You did not give the person clear expectations
7. Your policies and procedures are outdated
8. Your staff is poorly trained and delivers poor customer service
9. The person feels that you are too busy for them
10. The person feels that you breached integrity
Notice nothing on that list pertains to fees. No customer or client will ever balk about fees if the ten needs above are being met. Once those ten needs are met, clients will stay, pay and refer.

If you still feel that you are struggling, you will be thrilled to know that Dr. Paul S. Inselman, CEO of Creativecoachingllc.net  has formulated a specific step by step process that will help you to become a more powerful business leader. In twelve years, I haven’t seen one business that executed the steps above and that utilized our procedures that failed to grow their business. Why am I so confident (100% certainty) that these tips will create better growth and a more successful and fun business? Two reasons: (1) I coach business owners just like you everyday and have seen excellent, duplicative results and (2) Every single day I get a call, email or text from an existing client telling me that since they implemented these procedures and suggestions, they have more money than they ever had before; they love their staff; they are having more fun in business; or they had a record day in sales. Or, they had a record week in collections. Or, they had a record month across the board! Please don’t take my word for it. Click here for a free no-obligation consultation and find out for yourself how I can help you grow your business ethically, legally and with integrity; get more free time and have fun again.  Get to the next level and beyond. Stop wishing, praying and hoping and take the meaningful step that will get you to where you want to be.

Why 60% of Small Business Owners will Retire with Less Than $50,000

According to USAA Magazine, Summer Edition, 60% of American Retirees will retire with less than $50,000 in total savings and investments! Could you imagine being in business for 30 years; being loved by all of your clients or customers; then retiring with less than $50,000? That is insanity with a capital “I”. If you are struggling now to make ends meet, how will you turn it around so you can actually save and have a comfortable retirement ? It is easier than you think.

The Inselman Profit Formula is designed to make sure that you are never in the position depicted above. When you take into account human behavior plus Uncle Sam, and your profit you will never fall short on your bills again. The Inselman Profit Formula will take any small business that is not profitable and make it porfitable in 60-90 days. It will also take a profitable business and bring it to the next level of profitability in 60-90 days.

Try these two solutions to help you become more proactive:

1. Learn How to Run a Business. Too many small business owners are running a hobby not a business. It is imperative that you be able to generate and read a profit and loss statement; a balance sheet and cash flow analysis. Take a look at your expenses and classify if they make you or save you money.

2. Create a Plan and Work the Plan. You must increase income while you decrease expenses, while you ensure your profit and Uncle Sam. The Inselman Profit Formula when deployed will automatically show you how to run a profitable business.

A profitable business is the only type of business to have!

If you still feel that you are struggling, you will be thrilled to know that Dr. Paul S. Inselman, CEO of Creativecoachingllc.net  has formulated a specific step by step process that will help you to become a more powerful business leader. In twelve years, I haven’t seen one business that executed the steps above and that utilized our procedures that failed to grow their business. Why am I so confident (100% certainty) that these tips will create better growth and a more successful and fun business? Two reasons: (1) I coach business owners just like you everyday and have seen excellent, duplicative results and (2) Every single day I get a call, email or text from an existing client telling me that since they implemented these procedures and suggestions, they have more money than they ever had before; they love their staff; they are having more fun in business; or they had a record day in sales. Or, they had a record week in collections. Or, they had a record month across the board! Please don’t take my word for it. Click here for a free no-obligation consultation and find out for yourself how I can help you grow your business ethically, legally and with integrity; get more free time and have fun again.  Get to the next level and beyond. Stop wishing, praying and hoping and take the meaningful step that will get you to where you want to be.