I was trying to decide if I should write this blog and then I decided yes, because if it helps one person then it is worth it. Everyday I field calls from practitioners with problems. It doesn’t matter if the problem is big or small because when the problem is yours it is a HUGE problem.
Some practitioners can’t get to the one million mark. Other callers don’t know if they can make their rent or mortgage payment; still other callers are stressed about relationships or basically anything else you can think of.
Admittedly, I am no different. Stuff happens. It happens to rich, poor, happy and sad people. Stuff by the way, is ALWAYS going to happen. It’s not what happens to you but rather it’s how do you take it?
So here is my story and I’ll try to make it brief; gets summed up like this. Since last Sunday I haven’t been feeling great. I have been feeling tired, stomach pains, and intermittent diarrhea. Felt great on Tuesday and Wednesday and then on Friday got sicker than sick. Having the runs and throwing up (violently I may add) at the same time is really not my idea of a good time. Friday night the pain in my stomach was so bad I almost went to the emergency room.
So that’s what happened to me. Now how did I take it? Not well. I was thoroughly convinced that I had pancreatic cancer. Why go that far out in the crazy spectrum? Because, I can hallucinate the worst 100 times better than anyone of you reading this. So now on top of the pain I was freaking out figuring on a very painful death.
Saturday morning I called my MD. He suggested that I go to the ER because he has seen some pretty nasty viruses this week that landed people in the hospital. So that’s how I spent my Saturday. Hooked up to a morphine drip while I got a CT scan and enough blood work to make Dracula proud.
Then it happened. My coach came to visit me. She looked at me and said “when you are ready to take control of your situation I am quite confident that miracles will happen”. What I am I suppossed to do as I am hooked up to an IV bag, blood pressure cuff, chest electrodes and a morphine drip? She kissed me on the forehead and said “Think about it Paul, as she was leaving.” “What should I do I asked?” She smiled and said I’ll speak to you later.
Now there’s a great coach for you! At that point I got really pissed off. Not pissed off at her, but pissed off at myself. How could I have let myself get so low? The morphine put me to sleep. I kept playing this mantra in my head. Take control, take control, take control…
I awoke a few hours later. I looked at my wife’s sad and concerned face and then it happened. I actually decided to take the tools out of my tool box and use them. You know the tools that I teach all of my clients. Like your headspace will dictate 85% of your results. Or, what you think and put out you will receive. Or, control what you can and leave the rest .I made the decision right there that I was going to take the control back and turn my situation around. It was interesting that as soon as I made that decision I started to feel better.
The good news is I am fine. It was just a bad virus. I do not have nor do I plan to have pancreatic cancer…EVER!!!! The bad news is I am human just like everybody else. It amazes me that I teach this stuff and I can fall into the same human traps as anybody. Which is why nobody should go through life, business, practice or anything without a coach and trusted advisers. As I write this I am feeling good and proud that I was able to get my head out of my butt and continue on my life’s journey helping people just like you.
You and I can do anything that we set out to do. First your head space has to be right. Then you need to set up proper procedures, goals, accountability, metrics, training, and your results will happen.
Remember your problems are huge because they are your problems. Also remember when you are ready to fix your problems they will go away. Don’t give up! Just take baby steps then add on from there. You can do anything that you truly want to do, don’t ever forget that.
Click here for a free no-obligation coaching call. Kick the tires and find out for yourself how I can help you grow your life and practice or business ethically, legally and with integrity; get more free time and have fun again. We have payment plans that will allow virtually EVERYBODY AND ANYBODY the ability to afford my services. Get to the next level and beyond. Stop wishing, praying and hoping and take the meaningful step that will get you to where you want to be.