Tag Archives: Chiropractic Coaches

Why Your Patients or Employer Will Fire You-Don’t Do These Things!

“You’re fired” might be entertaining when you hear Donald Trump yell it at a would-be apprentice, but it doesn’t feel too good if your patient or employer tells it to you.

Contrary to popular belief, people don’t get fired on the spur of the moment. Patient’s typically fire their doctor because of two main reasons: The doctor failed to listed to the patient and/or the doctor failed to meet the patient’s expectations. It is interesting to note that employees get fired for the same two reasons (poor communication and poor performance).

It is a prudent idea that if many of your patients are firing you, take an honest accounting of the two reasons cited above and correct immediately!

Failure To “Listen.” This in my opinion is the number one reason why patients leave care and fire their doctor. It is imperative to perform a proper consultation that will discover why the patient is really there; create value for the patient; and allow the patient to be heard and listened to. When a patient feels listened to, it means they believe their doctors recognizes and understands the feelings they put forth. When a patient feels their doctor doesn’t listen or understand their needs, the patient often terminates therapy. Click here to watch a free webinar on How to Perform a Proper Consultation.

Rushed Communication. Do you take the time to have eye contact and to answer all of your patients questions? When you are busy with patients and a patient asks you a question do you show your dis-pleasure when answering the question? Our clients are taught how to know and understand every patients needs, wants, personality type and how to communicate to that individual. Communication is key, don’t rush your patients.

Timing. How long does it take you to return phone calls or emails, or texts? When I call my advisor, doctor, or anyone else that I am paying, I expect a call back by the end of the business-day in a non-emergency situation and in a very short time during a crisis. I understand that my advisors and doctors are busy, but the bottom line is patients will fire doctors who don’t promptly return their calls, and rightfully so.

Poor Expectation Management. All patients and employees have expectations—beliefs about how their doctor or employer will act and perform during the course of their relationship. When expectations are met or surpassed, patient trust and confidence are built with the payoff being that the patient wants to continue working with the doctor and will be happy to refer other patients. Running on time is paramount. Our clients learn early on that the patients time is so dis-respected by most health care providers; that when our clients run on time patients are very appreciative. Of course emergency’s happen and for the most part, patients are forgiving when an expectation here or there isn’t met. However if once in a-while becomes a habit, the patient will become disappointed and often feels betrayed and angry, and trust in the doctor wanes. Together, these feelings often lead patients to dismiss their doctor.

Performance Issues

The number one performance issue that forces your patients to fire you is the most obvious: failure to help them. Helping the patient does not mean getting them well. Helping them can be anything including referring them out that help them meet their health goals. Too many times a doctor will try to hold onto the patient for self-serving reasons. Never use self-serving reasons to keep a patient it will ALWAYS come back to bite you. If you are not getting good clinical results then take post-graduate classes and learn other techniques that will afford you better clinical results.

In twelve years, I haven’t seen one practice that executed the steps above and that utilized our procedures that failed to grow their practice. Why am I so confident (100% certainty) that these tips will create better growth and a more successful and fun practice? Two reasons: (1) I coach practitioners just like you everyday and have seen excellent, duplicative results and (2) Every single day I get a call, email or text from an existing client telling me that since they implemented these procedures and suggestions, they have more money than they ever had before; they love their staff; they are having more fun in practice; or they had a record day in office visits. Or, they had a record week in collections. Or, they had a record month across the board! Please don’t take my word for it. Click here for a free no-obligation coaching call. Kick the tires and find out for yourself how I can help you grow your practice ethically, legally and with integrity; get more free time and have fun again. We have payment plans that will allow virtually EVERYBODY AND ANYBODY the ability to afford my services. Get to the next level and beyond. Stop wishing, praying and hoping and take the meaningful step that will get you to where you want to be.

25 Procedures Multimillion Dollar Practitioners Use-Are You Using them Too?

1. Multi million dollar practitioners are organized are you?

2. Multi million dollar practitioners have office procedures that were created in this economy and they run like a Swiss watch. Do yours?

3. Multi million dollar practitioners have specific times set aside to perform exams, ROF’S, and other time intensive procedures. Do you?

4. Multi million dollar practitioners have forms that mirror their philosophy? eg. all the forms point to a pain picture but the doctor claims she is a wellness provider. Do your forms reflect your practice philosophy?

5. Multi million dollar practitioners have staff that are well-trained and that are profit centers for the clinic. Is your staff a profit center for your practice?

6. Multi million dollar practitioners have monetary procedures in place? Does your practice?

7. Multi million dollar practitioners have a coach. Do you?

8. Multi million dollar practitioners perform a superior consultation so they know the patient is really there? Does you know why your patients are really there? (Hint it is not just to get out of pain)? Click here to download a free webinar.

9. Multi million dollar practitioner ROF where the majority of your patients say yes to your recommendations? Do you have a superior ROF?

10.Multi million dollar practitioners have written goals. Do You?

11. Multi million dollar practitioners are able to self-motivate. Are you?

12. Multi million dollar practitioners have a coach to hold them accountable. Do you?

13. Multi million dollar practitioners have a re-exam schedule and policy. Do you?

14. Multi million dollar practitioners perform strategic-based marketing that consistently drives the best patients to their practice. Is your marketing strategic-based.

15. Multi million dollar practitioners understand how to run a business vs. a practice. Do you understand how to run a business?

16. Multi million dollar practitioners know how to clear their head. Do you?

17. Multi million dollar practitioners have a note-taking system that protects them in case of an audit. How is your note taking system?

18. Multi million dollar practitioners know how to insulate their practice from Obama-Care. Is your practice positioned for $3000 deductibles and $75 co-pays?

19. Multi million dollar practitioners know how to create wealth from the money that they earn. Are you set up to automatically create wealth?

20. Multi million dollar practitioners know how to evaluate if their marketing programs are working. Do you know how to track your results?

21. Multi million dollar practitioners know how to create an ideal new patient profile and how to attract them, so their practice is fun. Is your practice fun?

22. Multi million dollar practitioners know how to get referrals from MD’s. Do you have procedures in place to enable MD’s to consistently refer to you?

23. Multi million dollar practitioners know how to hire, train, or fire staff. Do you know how to obtain the best staff and train them properly?

24. Multi million dollar practitioners know how to set up ancillary profit centers? Do you have a minimum of three ancillary profit centers?

25. Multi million dollar practitioners create a yearly marketing calendar. How marketing campaigns do you have set up for the second, third and fourth quarters? Click here to set up a free no-obligation coaching session with me.

In twelve years, I haven’t seen one practice that executed the steps above and that utilized our procedures that failed to grow their practice. Why am I so confident (100% certainty) that these tips will create better growth and a more successful and fun practice? Two reasons: (1) I coach practitioners just like you everyday and have seen excellent, duplicative results and (2) Every single day I get a call, email or text from an existing client telling me that since they implemented these procedures and suggestions, they have more money than they ever had before; they love their staff; they are having more fun in practice; or they had a record day in office visits. Or, they had a record week in collections. Or, they had a record month across the board! Please don’t take my word for it. Click here for a free no-obligation coaching call. Kick the tires and find out for yourself how I can help you grow your practice ethically, legally and with integrity; get more free time and have fun again. We have payment plans that will allow virtually EVERYBODY AND ANYBODY the ability to afford my services. Get to the next level and beyond. Stop wishing, praying and hoping and take the meaningful step that will get you to where you want to be.

Do You Have Your Ideal Practice or Someone Else’s Version?

Ahhh the old roller coaster practice that Chiropractors love so much. I don’t understand where we went wrong in Chiropractic. It always baffles my mind how most chiropractors love to play ” the mine is bigger than yours game.” It also baffles my mind that many management companies will have their clients develop the coaches idea of an ideal practice. Creating anything but your own ideal practice can be a HUGE cause of a roller coaster practice.

I have previously been to several State Association meetings and a full Chiropractic Board meeting. The following is some of the chatter than I overheard:

How many patients do you see per week?
How long does it take you to adjust a patient?
Which codes do you find Aetna pays the most?
Medicare is going to chop again
No Fault rates haven’t risen in 7 years
The following questions were directed to me when doctors found out I was a coach:

Any suggestions on how to find good staff?
Should I raise my fees?
Any recommendations on how to get more New patients?
What do you think of President Obama’s health care reform? It is going to kill Chiropractic right?
All Chiropractic practices are down, right?
Do you think I should go all cash?
The following comments were the most heart-breaking:

I hate Chiropractic and I am leaving the profession
I can’t pay my bills
I am probably going to lose my house
I am going to learn ___ technique because I heard you can bill for ______
These insurance companies are killing my practice
You can have the life and practice that YOU dream of. Start with these simple steps:

  1. Stop comparing your practice to others. How can you be sure that the Chiropractor down the street is seeing as many patients as she says? Who cares anyway?
    Develop a practice that YOU like. If you like low volume then practice low volume. If you like cash and insurance than do so. Forget what your friend or neighbor is doing. DO NOT CREATE A PRACTICE BASED ON WHAT A COACH SAYS UNLESS THAT IS THE TYPE OF PRACTICE YOU WANT!
  2.  Learn efficient billing codes for procedures that were honestly performed. Don’t bill for 5 areas just because it pays more. (Integrity is what you do when nobody is looking).
  3. Learn techniques to enable you to be a better clinician. Results get referrals.
  4. If you are stuck, then do something to get unstuck. If you were able to do it on your own, guess what? You wouldn’t be stuck anymore
  5.  Turn off the TV and read positive oriented books instead
  6. If you have financial stress get some professional help in setting budgets, and improving cash flow(I just helped several clients avoid bankruptcy by helping them to re-organize their finances)
  7. Invest time and money in growing yourself and your practice. (You have to spend money to make money BUT… Make sure that you get at least a 4:1 return on your investment).
  8.  Never give up
  9. Have written goals
  10.  To schedule a free  no obligation coaching session to learn how you can be helped too,  click here.

We are serious about YOUR Success and we have the stats to prove it. From 2008-2016 our elite clients are up an average of 150%.  Take action and change your direction.

In twelve years, I haven’t seen one practice that executed the steps above and that utilized our procedures that failed to grow their practice. Why am I so confident (100% certainty) that these tips will create better growth and a more successful and fun practice? Two reasons: (1) I coach practitioners just like you everyday and have seen excellent, duplicatable results and (2) Every single day I get a call, email or text from an existing client telling me that since they implemented these procedures and suggestions, they have more money than they ever had before; they love their staff; they are having more fun in practice; or they had a record day in office visits. Or, they had a record week in collections. Or, they had a record month across the board! Please don’t take my word for it. Click here for a free no-obligation coaching call. Kick the tires and and find out for yourself how I can help you grow your practice ethically, legally and with integrity; get more free time and have fun again. We have payment plans that will allow virtually EVERYBODY AND ANYBODY the ability to afford my services. Get to the next level and beyond. Stop wishing, praying and hoping and take the meaningful step that will get you to where you want to be.

How to Prepare Your Practice for the Future-TODAY

You are practicing in the best of times and the worst of times depending on how you position your practice. For the past 39 months I have been shouting from the mountain-tops and trying to position health-care professionals for Obama-care phase 1, 2, 3.

Obama care phase 3 will hit January 2017. Premiums are forecasted to rise 10-70%! This is going to put a major squeeze on the pocketbooks and on the psyche towards health-care in general for most people. This is no joking matter and the time to take action is NOW.

I stated before that these are the best and worst of times to be practicing; let me explain why. No matter what the state of the economy when somebody gets sick they are going to need a doctor. That is why health-care should be recession-proof.  The public in general is tired of taking drugs with their side effects, coupled with an impersonal health-care delivery system. These two facts will allow you to properly position your practice!

Alternative care practitioners like Chiropractors and Acupuncturists who can create tremendous value for patients will thrive because the public is frustrated with health care in its present form. This is being played out in the present election. Love him or hate him, Donald Trump has captured the frustration of the American people enough to become the nominee of his party. When you as a health-care practitioner can deliver your care better, faster, and nicer than the present system allows, you will have more patients than you can handle.

Think about this for a moment. What would happen if your patient who is struggling to pay their bills had their flat screen television break? You can bet your bottom dollar that they would be at the store buying a new one the very next day. The point, they value their television more than their health.

Practitioners will fall into several categories: New practitioners, veteran practitioners who have fallen on hard times; veteran practitioners who are doing well but can’t break through to the next level; and elite practitioners who are earning seven figures. Let’s look at each group and specifically how professional business coaching can help them.

The New Practitioner

The new practitioner presents with many challenges. Most new practitioners were not taught how to run the business side of a practice when they attended school. This group is ripe for making costly mistakes. A business coach is imperative because respectfully, a new practitioner doesn’t know what they don’t know; a coach will teach them the business side of practice while helping to protect their capital. I have worked with hundreds of new practitioners over the years and have saved them thousands of dollars in lease negotiations, equipment negotiations and the acquisition of capital. Many new practitioners start business coaching with me as early as their 6-7th semester in school. This group will work with our financial team to streamline debt and capture every legal deduction possible. They will also be taught how to start saving for retirement. We have new practitioner programs that will fit any budget.

The Veteran Practitioner who has Fallen on hard Times

This group is the saddest group. These are good practitioners who have been practicing 15-30 years who have lost just about everything and are struggling to make ends meet. It is so sad because many of them had 7-figure practices back in the ninety’s. When I work with this group the first thing we do is restore hope and anticipation. Once this practitioner can see the possibility that things can be better we can then start to modernize their procedures. This group typically has not kept up with modern marketing procedures and they too are ripe for costly mistakes. This group will work with our financial team to help with debt consolidation/reduction; meaningful cost-cutting and creating a financial path to wholeness. To grow their practice, this group is taught strategic-based marketing within their limited budgets. We have hardship programs that will fit any budget.

The Veteran Practitioner Who is Doing Well but Can’t Break Through to the Next Level

This group is exciting to work with. They are usually earning $500-$750,000/year;  have done great but are just stuck and can’t get to the $1,000,000 level. When I work with this group, they usually just need a tweak of their procedures and marketing strategies which gets them through the glass ceiling. Then the real fun begins. Helping them shape their space, team and procedures to be able to maintain the 7-figure practice and grow from there.

The Elite Practitioner

This group is the top of the food chain. Earning 7-figures plus this group has very unique challenges. This group gets coached on advanced tax strategies like IRS section 1250 and 1245 in the tax code. DPAD deductions and other advanced legal, but often overlooked strategies. Some of these deductions have resulted in six-figure refunds! This group also usually requires advanced staff training so their associates become profitable coupled with meaningful goal setting, vision-mission and purpose statements and advanced organization skills.

You can absolutely grow your practice from any level and I want you to prove it to yourself. Click this link and schedule a free, no-obligation coaching session. You choose the topic and experience specifically how much different and effective my methods are.  Our clients are up on average 150% since 2008 and you can be too!

I’m Practicing for Years and have No Money to Show For It

I get many calls each week saying the title of this article, “I’m Practicing for Years and have No Money to Show For It.” That mantra can be changed; read on.

Change will not happen on its own. Change will happen when YOU are ready to make it happen. That means that you are going to have to go way out of your comfort zone and spend time and money (that you don’t have) in a different way to get different and better results. There is no magic bullet, potion or lotion. It has been and will always be stepping out of your comfort zone and spending your time and money differently than you are doing right now.

After coaching doctors just like you for twelve years, I can tell you with 100% certainty that anyone can be helped if they are willing to invest their time and money differently than they are doing right now. Follow each and every suggestion below for 30 days. Each and every one, not just the ones you like and see what happens to your practice.


1. Get Your Head space right. Start doing “be” level things on a daily basis. Affirmations, journal writing, visualization, and goal setting. Create a daily plan of success. Don’t create a wish, hope or dream. A daily plan for success vs. a hope, wish or dream are two entirely different things. Get spiritual. You don’t have to get religious but get spiritual. Spirituality calms the mind, elicits faith, and gives you clarity of purpose. Your action step for the next 30 days is to create your habits of excellence everyday including weekends.
2. Get a Coach. Stop spinning your wheels and making mistakes. Can your patients get along without your services? Of course not. Then why do you think that you can do it on your own. Results are the proof. If you can say this, “I’m Practicing for Years and have No Money to Show For It” then you need coaching. PERIOD END OF STORY! Respectfully if you could do it on your own you would not be saying that. Notice I did not say coach with me. I said get a coach. Even if you had a disastrous coaching experience in the past, don’t give up on the process, find a great coach to help you. Click here to read an article on how to find the right coach. There are many terrific coaches out there. Find one that you resonate with and that has the criteria in the article. Your action step for the next 30 days is to interview different coaching companies and see who you resonate with. Then hire one!

3. Get Strategic. Tactical based marketing is not as effective as strategic-based marketing. Create a UVP (unique value proposition). Next create an ideal new patient and a budget. Then create a minimum of five campaigns that are strategic in nature. Your action step for the next 30 days is to launch a minimum of 1 strategic campaign.

4. Come from a position of love not fear. Fear will eat you alive and kill you. Fear will destroy your hopes and dreams. faith is the opposite of fear. You need to develop that unshakeable faith. Read books, engage with a mentor, but learn how to turn that fear around. It can be done! I can assure you with 100% certainty when faith replaces fear your whole world (business, money, relationships, health, happiness, and spirituality) will all run with effortless ease. Your action step for the next 30 days is to turn the TV off and get and read some titles like: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, Conversations with God, Neale Walsche, Unlimited Power by Anthony Robbins or The Psychology of Winning by Denis Waitley.

5. Decide right now that you are tired of not having or achieving what you want. Then either create the steps to get what you want. If you don’t know what to do get some self-help books or Click here to receive a free, no-obligation coaching session on the topic that you choose. Try it, kick the tires and see how coaching can benefit you.  When you decide that you are ready to change, it is amazing how things line up in your favor. Your action step for the next 30 days is to click the link and get the free coaching session so you can see how to move forward.

I wish that everyone who is reading this blog understands that you have the power to create anything in your life that you want. Once you understand that basic premise and act accordingly you won’t be able to contain the successful growth of your practice and life.

In twelve years, I haven’t seen one practice that executed the steps above that  failed to grow their practice. Why am I so confident (100% certainty) that these tips will create better growth and a more successful and fun practice? Two reasons: (1) I coach practitioners just like you everyday and have seen excellent, duplicative results and (2) Every single day I get a call, email or text from an existing client telling me that since they implemented these procedures and suggestions, they have more money than they ever had before; they love their staff; they are having more fun in practice; or they had a record day in office visits. Or, they had a record week in collections. Or, they had a record month across the board! Please don’t take my word for it. Click here and find out for yourself how I can help you grow your practice ethically, legally and with integrity; get more free time and have fun again. The coaching session is free and you will be sold NOTHING! We have payment plans that will allow virtually EVERYBODY AND ANYBODY the ability to afford my services. Get to the next level and beyond. Stop wishing, praying and hoping and take the meaningful step that will get you to where you want to be.

My Practice is Down this Summer What Should I Do?

Many practitioners experience a down-turn during the summer.  Due to the nervousness of the general state of the economy, healthcare, and the upcoming election, a down-turn this year can be extremely costly because it may be extremely difficult to re-gain momentum. If you find your practice in a down-turn here are some steps that you should execute immediately:

1. Take an accounting of why the practice is down: check the following areas and fix immediately:

a. Head space-are you feeling scared, anxious, depressed

b. Procedures- are you rushed, sloppy, and not collecting your money in a timely fashion?

c. Marketing-Did you put your campaigns on hold because the summer is not a good time to market? Are you failing to get a good ROI (return on investment)?

d. Staff training-are you having regular meetings and training sessions or were they suspended for the summer?

e. Office hours-you must have 4 mornings and 4 evenings. Anything less will not allow patients to make up their missed appointments.

f. Organization- Is you desk piled high with stacks of paper? Are you getting out late every night? If so, your organization needs re-vamping.

2. Do your Goals Need Updating? Remember your goals are your road-map. If you have gone off course you will need to make a detour. If you have no way of achieving your goals then they need to be downgraded. Maintaining un-achievable goals will lead to frustration and a desire not to write goals in the future. In September (the goal setting season) every one of my clients will go through a detailed and thorough goal setting process that will go from September to December. Goal setting and analysis should be one of the highlights of your year!
3. Do You Have Someone Holding You Accountable? If you were being held accountable, it becomes difficult to go off course in the first place. Make sure that you are being held accountable going forward.

4. Decide right now that you are tired of not having or achieving what you want. Then either create the steps to get what you wan; or if you don’t know what to do get some self-help books; or Click here to obtain a free, no obligation coaching session with me so you can experience the benefits first-hand. When you decide that you are ready to change, it is amazing how things quickly line up in your favor.

Since illness, accidents and injuries happen all year-long why is your practice down this summer? Your practice will ALWAYS be a reflection of you, your attitude and your action steps. The beauty of owning the last sentence is YOU will ALWAYS have the ability of changing your direction whenever you wish. Isn’t it nice to have the control back? How will you use your control going forward?

In ten years, I haven’t seen one practice that stopped doing the steps above and that utilized our procedures that failed to grow their practice. Why am I so confident (100% certainty) that these tips will create better growth and a more successful and fun practice? Two reasons: (1) I coach practitioners just like you everyday and have seen excellent, duplicatable results and (2) Every single day I get a call, email or text from an existing client telling me that since they implemented these procedures and suggestions, they have more money than they ever had before; they love their staff; they are having more fun in practice; or they had a record day in office visits. Or, they had a record week in collections. Or, they had a record month across the board! Please don’t take my word for it. Click here and find out for yourself how I can help you grow your practice ethically, legally and with integrity; get more free time and have fun again. The consultation is free. We have payment plans that will allow virtually EVERYBODY AND ANYBODY the ability to afford my services. Get to the next level and beyond. Stop wishing, praying and hoping and take the meaningful step that will get you to where you want to be.

Flushing money down toilet

Stop Flushing YOUR Money Down the Toilet-How to Obtain Quality New Patients in Any Economy

Stop flushing money down the toilet. Stop trying to use get rich quick schemes. They will never work for the long haul. Marketing is about strategy not tactics. Marketing is about consistency not just throwing stuff up against the wall. Lastly marketing is about follow-up. Here is a list of things that you can do generate a consistent flow of quality new patients.

1. Master the principles of the Buying Funnel. 33% of all people that enter your buying funnel will buy from you, just not today. The buying funnel has been around since the late 1800’s. Those practices that I coach that use the buying funnel principles receive a far greater share of QUALITY new patients than those that don’t use it. To learn more about the Buying Funnel, click here to download and watch a free webinar.

2. Successful marketing will require the investment of time and or dollars. The more money you have the less time you will need and vice versa. Personally, I like to do a combination of both. Create a budget. A marketing budget as a rule of thumb should be 10% of last year’s collections. Please note that is a rule of thumb. Use it as a target and get as close to the number as you can.

3. Determine your ideal patient. An ideal patient is the demographic that you prefer to work with. It can be males, females, children, low back patients, diabetics etc. It is very important to know specifically who you want to attract.

4. Take an accounting of the tactics that you have used in the past and determine the ROI (return on investment) that you received. Add up each patient that you got from the tactic and multiply by your case average. Then compare to the total cost to determine the ROI. If you do not have that data, please accept it as the red flag that it is. If you are going to market successfully and run a successful business then you must be able to accurately track your results.

5. Look to deploy a minimum of 5 separate strategic-based marketing campaigns. Try not to do “one hit wonders”. Every tactic that you deploy, should have a minimum of 6 strategic usages. For example, I do not want to spend a $1000.00 on a newspaper ad that runs one time and it is finished. I would prefer to run a $1000.00 ad that can be used in a multitude of ways (Face book, Blog, Handout, Newspaper, Website etc.) so I get a bigger bang for my buck. Make sure when you work with your marketing person that they help you strategically set up your campaigns.

6. Create consistent follow up campaigns that will create TOMA (top of mind awareness). Follow-up is where you will get the majority of your new patients in a poor economy.

7. Track all of your marketing efforts to determine what is and what is not working. Use Tracking phone numbers, and Google Analytics so you can see how your buyers move through your buying funnel.

8. Remember that health care is a personality-driven business. patients buy you. It is imperative to make sure that your flavor and your personality comes through in all of your marketing efforts.

9. Be willing to invest time and money into your campaigns. If you are unable to market successfully then hire experts to help you.

10. Have fun. You must have fun in your practice or that will impede your results. Learn the fundamentals of wealth accumulation. Learn how the rich think about money. Click here to download a free webinar called How to Achieve Financial Security.

In ten years, I haven’t seen one practice that stopped doing the steps above and that utilized our procedures that failed to grow their practice. Why am I so confident (100% certainty) that these tips will create better growth and a more successful and fun practice? Two reasons: (1) I coach practitioners just like you everyday and have seen excellent, duplicatable results and (2) Every single day I get a call, email or text from an existing client telling me that since they implemented these procedures and suggestions, they have more money than they ever had before; they love their staff; they are having more fun in practice; or they had a record day in office visits. Or, they had a record week in collections. Or, they had a record month across the board! Please don’t take my word for it. Click here to set up a complimentary, no-obligation 1 on 1 Practice and Business Analysis and Strategy Session. Learn why our clients grew their income on average 44% last year and their personal net worth 5-60%. You can have it all when you know how to achieve what you want. Let’s explore the possibilities together.

Five Easy to Implement Steps to a Great Life and Practice

Why does it have to be so hard to earn a living, I love what I do? I hear that question a lot these days. Here is the great news, it doesn’t have to be hard at all. What if I told you that building a practice that is ethical, legal, integrity-based and fun is easy to do? You wouldn’t believe me because it has been soooo hard to this point, correct?

Stop spinning your wheels and begin acting like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. Click your heels three times and repeat there is no place like home. You will find just like Dorothy you were home and had the power to do everything you ever wanted all the time. The POWER IS WITHIN YOU, NOT IN THE NEXT NEW PATIENT GIMMICK!

Read on and follow the action steps below. Do each step for 30 days and see what happens…There is no place like home!

1. Get spiritual. You don’t have to get religious but get spiritual. Spirituality calms the mind, elicits faith, and gives you clarity of purpose. When you do everything to evolve your highest purpose, your highest self you will find your entire world changes for the better. I used to think this esoteric thinking was crap. Let me tell you from one who has been on both sides of the fence…”it ain’t crap”.

2. Determine your purpose, vision, and mission statements. These will be your guiding light. When you act in accordance to your highest purpose nothing can go wrong. Most doctors have a tough time here. Let me assure you, your purpose is not to earn a bazillion dollars. However, when you work for your purpose it’s amazing how a bazillion dollars becomes the by-product.

3. Do things from a position of love not fear. Fear will eat you alive and kill you. Fear will destroy your hopes and dreams. faith is the opposite of fear. You need to develop that un-shakeable faith. Read books, engage with a mentor, but learn how to turn that fear around. It can be done! I can assure you with 100% certainty when faith replaces fear your whole world (business, money, relationships, health, happiness, and spirituality) will all run with effortless ease.

4. Have gratitude. When you are grateful and act from a position of gratitude it is amazing how “lucky” you become. When your “competitor” down the street has 100’s of cars in her parking lot are you really happy for her or are you jealous? Be truthful. If you are jealous, why not be happy for her because she is helping sick and suffering people? Don’t worry there are plenty of sick and suffering people to go around. Have gratitude and watch yourself gain altitude!
5. Decide right now that you are tired of not having or achieving what you want. Then either create the steps to get what you want. If you don’t know what to do get some self-help books or Click here to get a free no-obligation coaching session and see what professional business coaching can do for you and your practice. When you decide that you are ready to change, it is amazing how things line up in your favor.

Stop procrastinating and making excuses. Aren’t you tired of the same struggles? Learn how to effectively end them for good. I don’t have a 100% money back guarantee policy for nothing. My methods work and they work well. Learn how I can help you.

I wish that everyone who is reading this blog understands that you have the power to create anything in your life that you want. once you understand that basic premise and act accordingly you won’t be able to contain the successful growth of your practice and life.

In eleven years, I haven’t seen one practice that did the steps above and that utilized our procedures that failed to grow their practice. Why am I so confident (100% certainty) that these tips will create better growth and a more successful and fun practice? Two reasons: (1) I coach practitioners just like you everyday and have seen excellent, duplicatable results and (2) Every single day I get a call, email or text from an existing client telling me that since they implemented these procedures and suggestions, they have more money than they ever had before; they love their staff; they are having more fun in practice; or they had a record day in office visits. Or, they had a record week in collections. Or, they had a record month across the board! Please don’t take my word for it. Click here and find out for yourself how I can help you grow your practice ethically, legally and with integrity; get more free time and have fun again. The coaching session is free and without obligation. We have payment plans that will allow virtually EVERYBODY AND ANYBODY the ability to afford my services. Get to the next level and beyond. Stop wishing, praying and hoping and take the meaningful step that will get you to where you want to be.

40 Things You Absolutely Do Not Want to be Doing to your Practice-Don’t Do These!

With continued decreases in insurance reimbursements, and more slated to come for next year, more practitioners are feeling stressed.

Here is the great news. Those practitioners who understand how capitalize on the shift from low deductible and low co-pays to a high deductible, high co-pay model are going to Thrive! This new shift in responsibility will be the best thing to hit health care once you learn how to play the new game.

Our client’s have been taught this new game and as a result their income has grown on average 165% since 2008.

Our clients choose to use our services because we generate fantastic results, have no long-term contracts, offer a 100% money back guarantee and bring new strategies to the table in marketing, patient communication, and the business of running a practice.

The article below will outline 40 proven practice killers. Take an inventory of the list and cease any of the actions on that list. Next you must create a plan that will give you consistent growth by helping you to attract the best buyers in your market. This must be coupled with procedures that include education of your patient so they understand and want to incorporate the “big picture of health”. Lastly your plan must include business skills that will lessen your debt and start you saving for retirement.

The time is now to make the changes. You deserve to stop living in fear and doubt. 99% of my clients probably started just like you. Hating the idea of being coached; hating the idea of spending money; and hating the idea of doing things differently. I also understand because I was once in your shoes too! You may click here to hear their specific and amazing stories. 

The following list will outline guaranteed practice killers. If you are inadvertently doing or not doing any of these, you may want to make the correction immediately.

1. You have no specific marketing plan

2. You are not spending present time consciousness with your patients (PTC)

3. You are visualizing what you don’t want instead of what you do want

4. You have a poverty consciousness

5. You don’t read enough

6. You are in a constant state of fear

7. You do not train your staff

8. You do not have written goals

9. You are still using procedures that are old and have not been modified to reflect the present economy

10. You do not have a team of trusted advisers

11. You do not run or know how to read financial statements

12. You do not know how to create a budget

13. You do not understand business principles

14. You are not organized

15. Your consultation and report of findings is too long

16. You do not understand how to strategically market

17. Nobody is holding you accountable

18. Your own health habits are questionable

19. You are not innovative

20. You do not have PVA skills and procedures in place

21. You fail to get out of your office to meet new people

22. You do not teach your patients in a systematic way about the “big picture of health”

23. You are not using modern technology

24. You are frustrated

25. You are burnt out

26. You are apathetic

27. You don’t donate time and or money

28. Your associate is not a profit center

29. Your staff is not a profit center

30. You do not know how to control expenses

31. You have credit card debt

32. You are unprepared to pay your taxes

33. You live paycheck to paycheck

34. You wish you never became a Health Care Provider

35. You do not have written goals

36. You do not look at your written goals daily

37. You waste time and procrastinate

38. You are not happy

39. You don’t get adjusted

40. You do not wake up happy

In all the years that I have been coaching practitioners just like you, I haven’t seen one practice that stopped doing the steps above and that utilized our procedures that failed to grow their practice. Why am I so confident (100% certainty) that these tips will create better growth and a more successful and fun practice? Two reasons: (1) I coach practitioners just like you everyday and have seen excellent, duplicatable results and (2) Every single day I get a call, email or text from an existing client telling me that since they implemented these procedures and suggestions, they have more money than they ever had before; they love their staff; they are having more fun in practice; or they had a record day in office visits. Or, they had a record week in collections. Or, they had a record month across the board! Please don’t take my word for it. Click here and find out for yourself by receiving a free and without obligation 1 on 1 practice analysis and business strategy session. Learn where the weaker areas are in your practice and get a plan that you can implement immediately. Get more free time and have fun again. The strategy session is free. We have payment plans that will allow virtually EVERYBODY AND ANYBODY the ability to afford my services. Get to the next level and beyond. Stop wishing, praying and hoping and take the meaningful step that will get you to where you want to be.

Six Easy Steps to Become A Millionaire…Just Implement and Grow!

People who have attained millionaire status think and act differently than most people. Health care practitioners have such an opportunity to earn as much money as they ethically and legally want. Typically there are only a few things that stand in the way. The following list should help you.

1. Think Like a Millionaire: Millionaire’s have an “I can achieve anything attitude.” They look at the big picture and then create a road map of how they will specifically get there (goal setting). Start thinking like a millionaire by clicking here and registering for, and then watching a free video on your thoughts. Start working on yourself. Do you have confidence? Do you have a kick butt and take no prisoners attitude? Do you have the mental belief in yourself and that you are deserving of success? If not start working with a coach today.

2. Act Like a Millionaire: Be gracious, helpful, and non-boastful. Be charitable. Always look to pull others up to your level. Don’t compare yourself to others. Be the top in your field. Study. Always look to improve yourself. Never take no for an answer. Find the way to yes. Be a problem-solver. Don’t engage in drama. Never put anyone else down. READ. Millionaire mind-sets are always reading, learning, and bettering themselves and others around them.

3. Run Your Business like a Millionaire: Learn business principles. Learn how to invest and have your money make money. Learn how to take calculated risks. Learn how to invest in yourself. Learn how to spend money to make money. Learn how to use debt responsibly. If you are un-clear in any of these areas talk to your accountant; talk to your coach; and, enroll in business classes.

4. Surround yourself with a team of advisor’s like Millionaire’s do:

a. certified Public accountant

b. a business attorney

c. a business coach who understands your profession

d. an insurance agent

e. a compliance and coding expert if you are running an insurance-based practice

f. a financial planner

g. an investment adviser

Millionaires do not go it alone. They don’t have the time nor the desire to re-invent the wheel. They also understand that nobody knows it all. They use all of the advisors to help them excute better decisions, limit mistakes, and speed up their results

5. Millionaires never quit and they never blame others for their failures: Learn what motivates you. Learn how to self-motivate. Hire someone to hold you accountable. Learn how to set goals because when you have a road map to follow it is difficult to quit. It is not big Pharma, the insurance companies or the AMA that are holding you down. When you realize that YOU can have or DO anything then it is yours to have!

6. Celebrate like a Millionaire: You may think that millionaires buy fancy cars and watches and take lavish vacations to celebrate. Of course some do; however most do not. Read the book The Millionaire next Door by Stanley and Danko. Click here to get the book on Amazon.  This book will give you an interesting education on the millionaire mind-set.

Over the past 12 years I have had the distinct pleasure of seeing many clients cross the millionaire milestone. It is amazing to experience and I always feel like a proud papa! The key is the client either begins his coaching living the above 6 steps above; or we work on their weaker areas until they have mastered the 6 steps above. 90% of people have the ability to be a millionaire but only 1-5% will actually achieve that level. That to me is a very sad statistic because if you just follow the 6 steps above it is virtually impossible not to achieve a millionaire status. That level means that you can meet all of your bills. Save for retirement. Give your family the life they deserve. Donate more to charity. Go on several vacations per year, and, live a more stress-free life.

Doctor, please take the time to use the above list. YOU CAN BECOME A MILLIONAIRE IF YOU WANT! Our clients who were just like you have done just that. Growth on average of 150% since 2008. No contracts, a valid guarantee, great personalized service and tremendous results are what Inselmancoaching is about.

When you are ready, please click here for a free and without obligation coaching session. The process is simple, in the comments section type one topic that you need help with. I want anyone who is considering coaching to experience our results-oriented proprietary methods that will explode your practice guaranteed!

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