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How to Make Your Practice Stand Out

The “wow factor” has always been an important component in personality driven businesses like health care. Some people have natural abilities to “wow”, others need to learn those very necessary skill-sets.

It does not matter if you are a medical doctor, dentist, chiropractor, physical therapist, enzyme therapist, or any other health care provider, the following tips will help you develop the “wow factor”.

  1. Use the Local Press-contact reporters of local newspapers, monthly magazines and television stations and offer newsworthy information in your area of expertise. For example an enzyme therapist might direct reporters to recent evidence that a new type of protease can help digest gliadin, the protein responsible for gluten intolerance.
  2. Write a Book-America is in love with authors. 90% of talk show guests are there to promote their new book or movie. Today anyone can publish a book with self publishing services for as little as $1000.00. Being a published author, gives you credibility in your patient’s/client’s eye. For example a physical therapist can write a book How Posture Affects Your Health. Give personalized autographed copies to your patients. Sell others on your website. Books become great marketing pieces while establishing a huge “wow factor”.
  3. Always give more service than patients pay for– Anthony Robbins tells the story, “There was a bean counter that people would come to from far and wide because he always gave a scoop and a little more.” I am not advocating giving away free service nor extra time. What I am advocating is giving service that will wow your patients. For example, I always give my patients my personal cell number and instruct them to use it if they need me for any clinical reason. I ask them to be respectful of the number and not to use it to change an appointment etc. This sets a nice boundary and they really appreciate the “wow” service.
  4. Be Charitable-I am not saying to be a charity, but please be charitable, there is a big difference. Being a charity is treating people for free. Being charitable is always looking for ways to help another person. For example help people with their problems. I once had a patient who was having difficulty paying her rent. I offered her advice how to approach her landlord. She was happy, her landlord was happy and it gave me a “wow factor” in both their minds.

You will find that by creating a “wow factor” experience in everything that you do will come back to reward you and your practice over and over again.

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