Tag Archives: Chiropractic Management

Are You Marketing to the Correct Market?



If your marketing efforts are not going to the correct target market your efforts will be in vain and you will waste a lot of time and money. If you are marketing properly, then THE SKY IS THE LIMIT to how large your practice can grow!

Let me give you an example. Let’s say that you want to go fishing for shark. Would you come to visit me in South Florida and go fishing in the lake in my backyard? Of course not, sharks don’t live in fresh water. OK, so we go to the ocean; would you use a minnow for bait? Of course not, sharks don’t eat minnows, they eat BIG fish.

Your marketing is the same thing. If you like to treat children would you do a lecture in a senior center? The obvious answer is no…but many of you do.

When I ask practitioners who is your ideal patient, they will often answer me, “anyone with good insurance.” The next question I ask them is to tell me about the characteristics of their least favorite patient that they treat. They go on to tell me how that person is always late, never pays their bill on time and is always complaining about something. ‘How would you like a hundred more of those patients, I ask?” When they tell me no, I remind them that they told me that their ideal patient is anyone with good insurance.

Let’s go over the steps to identifying an ideal patient so your marketing efforts will improve:
1. Identify specifically who you like to treat
2. What are the specific characteristics of that person?
3. Where do they live, work, and play?
4. What types of cases to they present with?
5. What are their socio-economics?
6. What hobbies do they have?
7. In short list everything that you can about that type of person

Next you want to start to determine which marketing techniques that you will utilize. make sure that they are strategic-based and not just tactical based. If you don’t know the difference, click here.

You have the ability with today’s modern marketing tools, like Google AdWords, Facebook, and Twitter, to make a huge impact in your marketplace. Use the steps above. If you are still having trouble, speak to a friend or colleague that is having success, or if you would like a free and without obligation strategy session, click the button below.

We offer step by step strategies coupled with world class support coupled with mind-set and performance coaching which will give you results that you will be very proud to own.

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Four Action Steps That Will DESTROY Your Practice

Four actions that will destroy your practice. Avoid them at all costs.

  1.  Dishonesty-Sadly when economies turn south, good people sometimes do bad things. When you are in a position to sign insurance forms, disability forms and accept credit cards you have been given a huge social and legal responsibility. Not only is it your ethical duty to protect the patient but it is also your legal duty. Dishonesty always starts small and then mushrooms out of control. Never think of padding a bill, falsifying records, or charging a credit card improperly.  Everyday we read of business leaders and doctors who have lied, cheated, and stolen assets of innocent victims.They never believed that they would get caught. If you are doing dishonest deeds cease immediately.
  2.  Poor Management– Many practices are brought to their knees because the doctor did not know how to run a business.It is imperative that you know how to run a business. If you are bouncing checks, paying late fees and don’t know how to read basic financial statements learn as quickly as possible.
  3.  Patients are not Relevant- Are you rushing from room to room? Are your patients waiting more than ten minutes? Does it take you more than 24 hours to fill out requested forms? Your practice is based on your patients. Excellent customer service is the key to having them come back. You must make your patients feel special on each and every visit.
  4.  Refusal to Hire the Proper Advisers– Business owners fail to realize that the money that often think they are saving by doing it themselves ends up costing much more in the end. Did you spend money on marketing this year? Did it yield the number of new patients that you expected it too? Did you get at least a 4:1 return on investment? Strategic-based marketing is the key to improving your marketing efforts. Learn how to create a UVP and how deploy strategic campaigns and I am confident that you will be very happy with your results. Never be your own attorney. I spend more time trying to get doctors out of bad leases, partnerships, and deals that they made by being their own attorney. Had they hired the attorney in the first place they could have saved a ton of money in the long run.

Like it or not you have spent or you will spend more money if you act as your own: Attorney, Accountant, Business coach, Insurance agent, or Compliance expert. Each of these professionals you will either hire willingly and invest money with them to help you grow your practice and protect your assets or you will pay via mistakes. According to statistics, people who hire professionals make or save more money than those that do not. Our clients have increased their income 44% last year and 150% since 2008. We also had three practices move to millionaire status, all because of coaching. People who use investment advisers statistically earn an additional 3% on their portfolios after paying their advisory fees. The lesson-hire professional to help you.

By preventing and or limiting mistakes will put more money into your pocket and allow you to deliver better care to your patients. Remember mistakes cost you time, money and energy. If you made a mistake and you are now worrying about it, your worry is taking precious time away from your patient which could and usually does lead to a down-turn. Remember to always practice PTC present time consciousness.

If you would like a free and without obligation practice analysis and strategy session, click the button below.

We offer step by step strategies coupled with world class support coupled with mind-set and performance coaching which will give you results that you will be very proud to own.

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Why Our Clients Put Their Faith and Trust in Inselmancoaching

This year has been so unbelievable to date that I have to pinch myself to make sure that I am not dreaming. I am so filled with gratitude tonight that I can hardly get the words out.

Today I had the honor of speaking to a client who six months ago was one paycheck away from losing his home. His marriage was “done” in his words and his oldest daughter hadn’t spoken to him in over a year. To say he was battered, tattered, and worn out would be an understatement of understatements!

In absolute desperation he decided to coach with me. The first thing I did with him was teach him this algorithm. Thoughts>Feelings>(+Vibration/-Vibration)>Action Steps>Which Creates Your World.

For years he felt that he had no control over his life. Once he learned this algorithm and how to create a better world for himself he felt hope and anticipation. Once he felt hopeful we were able to determine what his true needs and desires were and create action steps to create his world.

The results: His marriage is not “done”. He and his wife are in counseling and they are progressing beautifully! His daughter and he have reunited and wow does it feel so good (to quote the song). His practice is back in the black; he has saved his house; and, he feels like he is on top of the world.

Me? I am like a proud Papa! It literally brings tears to my eyes.

When we spoke today I asked him why did you put your faith and trust in Inselmancoaching? I then asked sixteen other clients and here is what they told me:

  1. From the 1st time we spoke they never felt judged
  2. They felt that I really, really cared about them
  3. I demonstrated that I cared by the actions I did. Calling them on weekends. being available all hours of the day or night. Driving patients home in a snowstorm; Paying to have an elderly couple’s driveway shoveled.  Going what they described as the extra two miles.
  4. They stated that because I still see patients they felt that my information was very current and very relevant. Once they coached with me for a while they stated that they never learned any of the marketing techniques that I teach anywhere else.
  5. They loved that I teach how to achieve financial independence. Once we coached for a while they stated that the business skill-sets that I taught them they were never exposed to; and, it has prepared them for the rest of their business life. The majority of clients stated that they were teaching their kids young and old these valuable skill-sets.
  6. “You are always there for me”, 10PM, Sunday’s at noon, whenever I need you, you are there.
  7. The results. We had three clients become millionaires last quarter. Over 90% of our clients had record 1st quarters in addition to growing on average 44% last year!
  8. They stated that they appreciated my flexibility with scheduling coaching calls.
  9. They stated that it was nice to know that someone truly cared about them and that there was a friendly person who would lead them down a path that would make their lives better. For many when they first begin coaching they were going through the lowest point in their life and career. They felt safe, loved, and nurtured.

All in all, not a bad day. I thank each and every one of my amazing clients from the bottom of my heart for the opportunity to serve you. I love watching you GROW!  THANK YOU!!



If you would like a free and without obligation practice analysis and strategy session, click the button below.

We offer step by step strategies coupled with world class support coupled with mind-set and performance coaching which will give you results that you will be very proud to own.

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Deploy These Steps for 60 days and Grow Your Chiropractic Practice-Guaranteed!

In thirteen years of coaching Chiropractors just like you, there appears to be universal challenges that when fixed leads to better growth. The video below will outline the steps to take immediately. Deploy all of the suggestions over the next sixty days and watch your practice grow! Yes it really is that easy!

We offer step by step strategies coupled with world class support coupled with mind-set and performance coaching which will give you results that you will be very proud to own.

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How to Create a Fresh Restart So this Year is Amazing!

new life

Happy New Year. I hope you and your family had an amazing holiday season. If you want this year to be an amazing year, you must create momentum immediately. If you fail to create momentum then you will end up playing catch-up ball all year-long, and, well, that is just not fun. Now is the time to create a fresh start.

I will outline steps to take now. Many of these steps should have been created in the 4th quarter of 2016 but if you haven’t done so as of yet, later is better than never; so do it now!

  1. You must have a clear vision of what the New Year will look like. As my clients know we worked on vision ad nauseam the last quarter. Why? Having a clear vision creates excitement, which in turn creates momentum automatically. You always want to start the year off with as much momentum as you can muster. If you don’t know how to create a clear vision of what your new year will look like, ask a friend, colleague, or hire a coach to help you. This first step is crucial to your success.
  2. You must create meaningful action steps that will allow you to achieve your vision. When you deploy your action steps one of two things will happen. You will either like the result or you won’t. If you don’t like the result, tweak, change or re-create your action steps. Once again you will have a result that you either like or not. If you don’t like the result tweak, change or re-create your action steps again and keep doing it until you get the result that you want. Most people try an action step and then give up if the result isn’t what they hoped for. Giving up is never an option if you want to be successful.
  3. Hire someone to hold you accountable. Accountability forces you to stay on course even when things get rough, or unpleasant. Can you imagine if you deployed 1/2 of the great ideas that you had last year? Accountability forces you to deploy all of your great ideas.
  4. Invest in yourself. Like it or not you are going to need to invest more time and or money in yourself and in your practice. You cannot continue to perform tactical-based marketing. Your pocketbook cannot afford the waste that tactical-based marketing causes. Instead use strategic-based marketing. You will get a better return on your investment and you will get better results.
  5. Know your desired outcome. If you fail to know what you specifically want you will fail to achieve your desires. This is goal-setting 101. If you did not create your goals last year do it today. If you don’t know how to create goals then ask a friend, colleague, or hire a coach to help you. Goals are your roadmap. If you don’t have them, it will be very hard to get where you are wanting to go.

Building a practice and a life takes work, discipline time and money. It should not be difficult and it should be a labor of love. Financial security is a wonderful thing to have and you deserve to have it too. Our clients were up on average 44% last year because they created a vision; created a plan; worked the plan and were held accountable.

We offer step by step strategies coupled with world class support coupled with mind-set and performance coaching which will give you results that you will be very proud to own.

 Make this year better than last. If you choose to work with me I guarantee that you will grow. Now is the time for you to get a fresh new start. When you are ready to explore specifically how we can help you, click here for a complimentary, no-obligation consultation.

2017 Will be an Amazing Year For You…IF…

2017 will be an awesome year for you if you do these things:

  1. Have more gratitude
  2. Work on your head space
  3. Get excited
  4. Speak to people from a position of love not fear or anger
  5. Leave jealousy at the door
  6. Write down your goals
  7. Have someone hold you accountable
  8. Believe in yourself
  9. Be more charitable
  10. Smile more
  11. Help others get what they want
  12. Be willing to come in early and stay late
  13. Train your staff
  14. Stop living in fear
  15. Invest time and money in yourself
  16. Get a coach
  17. Get your financial house in order
  18. Save for retirement
  19. Invest in other’s happiness
  20. Never take no for an answer
  21. Never give up
  22. Listen more and speak less
  23. Take bigger and bolder action steps
  24. Solve people’s problems
  25. Focus on the solution instead of the problem
  26. Act like a winner
  27. Pull other’s up
  28. Look for opportunity
  29. Find God
  30. Listen to the inner voice inside of you
  31. Focus on your successes not your failures
  32. Change your self-talk
  33. Be happy
  34. Don’t look for external things to make you happy
  35. Look inward
  36. Use strategic-based marketing
  37. Read more
  38. Turn off the TV
  39. Really, Really want to succeed
  40. Create your world

As the New Year is quickly approaching I want you and your family to be blessed and to create the life and practice that you want. You have the power to do anything you desire. Look at the list above. How can you miss creating your masterpiece if you do ALL of the steps above? It would be impossible.

Our clients are up on average 44% because they eat, live, and breathe the faithful forty above and you can too! I wish you and your family an amazing 2017 because you deserve nothing less.

 When you are ready to explore specifically how we can help you, click here for a complimentary, no-obligation consultation.


Mistakes to Avoid in the New Year-Don’t Do These!

Mistakes cost you time and money. Mistakes are inevitable. Most mistakes can be avoided. Making the same mistake twice or even three times is, well, just dumb!

2016 was a rough year for health care. Most practitioners were down double digits. It doesn’t have to be that way for the upcoming year. This article will teach you the mistakes and pitfalls to avoid.

Our clients were up 44% in 2016. They were up because they avoided the mistakes listed below and they took action steps that were different from the ones that they took in 2015. Are you ready to grow in 2017? I mean are you really ready to grow? If so then avoid the following like the plague!

  • Stop living in denial and begin to run a business. If you don’t keep statistics then respectfully you are out of your mind! If you keep statistics and either don’t look at them or don’t know how to read them then you must learn immediately. Keeping and reading statistics every month allows you to make meaningful changes instantaneously to get a different and better result. Period! KEEP STATS.
  • Create Written Goals. Every client that wrote goals the way I taught them had a positive experience. One client in particular had a goal to do $1,000,000.00 by December 31. He made his goal October 22! Yes he did $1M in service up from $710,000 the year before. How did he do it? By following the action steps that he created in 2015. WRITE PROPER GOALS AND LOOK AT YOUR GOALS EVERYDAY!
  • Train your Staff. It is painful to watch great talent go to waste. It is also painful for you to be frustrated and aggravated everyday because your employees are not doing what you wish them to do. Great employees are made, not born. Our clients are taught how to create an A-Team that refers, makes the doctor money, and actually does a great job. There is no drama, and employees actually love to come to the office. Fix your employees poor habits immediately!
  • Don’t keep non-profitable marketing tactics in place. If you are utilizing tactical-based marketing STOP! You must deploy strategic-based marketing in this market-place. Strategic-based marketing is based on science not wishing and hoping. Strategic-based marketing will bring the best buyers to your clinic.
  • Get Your Financial House in Order. If you failed to save anything for retirement in 2016 shame on you! When are you going to understand that the government will not be there for you in retirement, when you retire? Our clients learn to save consistently for retirement even when they have no money. Yes, even when they don’t have money to save. Our automation techniques have been helping clients for 12 years and you could be helped too! For example one client that had no money to save managed to save $3500.00. While $3500.00 is not a lot of money it is a great start and she has $3500.00 more than she ever had in her life. She feels empowered and knows that in 2017 she will put away even more. Create a financial plan for success.
  • Be Held Accountable and Hire A Coach. So how much money do you think you saved in 2016 by not hiring a coach? A new client that I first consulted with in 2013 did not begin coaching then to save money. In 2013 he grossed $16,000/month. In 2016, three years later, he was grossing $16,400/month. By saving his coaching fees he lost out on a 36% average compounded increase (28% in 2013, 35% in 2014; 37% in 2015; 44% in 2016 equals a compounded average of 36%) Had he started in 2013 and received those yearly increases he would be grossing $54,543.00 at present. Compounded growth is very powerful! Just think for a minute if you actually did all of the great ideas that you said you would implement last year. That is why accountability is so important. Make an investment in yourself and hire a coach.

The end of the year incentives are coming to an end. All coaching plans are custom created for the individual client. There are no contracts. There is a 100% guarantee on each and every call. No clients are turned away because of money. Our hardship programs will allow most clients to be able to afford coaching. Our clients are up on average 44% this year and you should be too! When you are ready to explore specifically how we can help you, click here for a complimentary, no-obligation consultation.

News Flash-You Cannot Grow A Practice if You Don’t Have Gratitude

You have heard me say dozen’s of times, “gratitude gives you altitude”. Why do I continuously remind my clients and readers of that phrase? If you don’t own, live and breathe that phrase then it will be impossible to build a long-term successful practice.

Remember the Laws of Attraction. You either vibrate a high level or you vibrate at a low-level. There is no in-between. High vibration means you are attractive and that you will attract people and things into your life. Low vibration means the opposite.

Remember Thoughts>feelings>action steps>create your world. Let me illustrate how this works in real life.

A doctor gets up dreading the day. He or she is nervous because rent and payroll are due in five days. There is a pit in the doctors stomach. He starts thinking of all the things that have to be done. He looks out the window and as if by magic a Christmas miracle of six inches of newly fallen snow fell…but fell early on December 12th to be exact.

In rushes the doctor’s three beautiful, healthy and energetic children who were sooooo excited about their upcoming snow day. They can’t wait to go out and play.

Daddy doctor now pushes them away because he is too busy counting the cancellations that are going to greet him on his voice mail. In walks the doctors beautiful, healthy, loving and supportive wife with a cup of fresh-brewed coffee for her husband. Freak out mode continues and his beautiful, loving wife just stormed out the bedroom door. She is tired and angry at always being the doctors sounding board. She is at wit’s end too.

Now the doctor feels guilty for making his wife cry, yet once again. He trudges out to clean off his car. Once cleaned off he drives off to the office.

Do you think the doctor is vibrating at a high level or low-level?

Do you think the doctor is in the process of creating a good day or a poor day?

What would have happened if he Thanked God for his healthy children and wife. What if he realized how lucky he was that his wife cared enough to bring him a cup of coffee? What would have happened if he had more gratitude?

After coaching clients for over twelve years this is a very common scenario when clients first start coaching with me. This is what they learn to turn their life and practice around:

  1. The Laws of Attraction
  2. Action steps that will evoke the Laws of Attraction
  3. How to run a business
  4. How to strategically market to get the best buyers to their clinic
  5. How to hire the and train the best staff that is a profit center
  6. How to improve PVA
  7. How to keep and analyze statistics
  8. How to have gratitude
  9. How to create goals with meaningful action steps
  10. Accountability
  11. How to invest their money
  12. How to set up plans for retirement
  13. How to get their MOJO back
  14. Advanced personality typing
  15. Advanced communication
  16. …and…so much more

All coaching plans are custom created for the individual client. There are no contracts. There is a 100% guarantee on each and every call. No clients are turned away because of money. Our hardship programs will allow most clients to be able to afford coaching. Our clients are up on average 44% this year and you should be too! When you are ready to explore specifically how we can help you, click here for a complimentary, no-obligation consultation.


How to Make your Chiropractic Practice Great Again or Even Greater if it is Great Already!

This is not a political announcement or endorsement. I just liked the title. Since the election, I am receiving many inquiry calls. Some upbeat and excited; and some scared to death. That is what prompted me to write this article.

Please take this paragraph to the bank! The greatness of your Chiropractic practice is determined by one thing and it is YOU!! It is not the government, it is not big Pharma, and it is not the insurance companies that are holding you down. IT IS YOU!

Once you own that paragraph you can first start to grow your practice and let me prove it to you. If there were external forces stopping your growth then every single practice would be affected. My clients Chiropractic practices were up on average 44% in 2016 even in the face of the same negative forces that you faced.

Think about this. If the gas supply ran out then every single car on the planet earth would be affected once their individual car ran out of gas. That is a direct cause and effect. Everyone is affected. If your practice is down and another is up, it is because of you.

So How do you get your practice to explode? The first step is to understand that greatness is achieved by your thoughts, then your words, and then your actions.

If you think about something (I want to earn___dollars) and you never speak about it then you will create a very low-level of your desire.

If you think about something (I want to earn___dollars) and you speak of it; creates a higher level of your desire.

If you think about something (I want to earn ___ dollars) and you speak of it; and you do things (actions steps); creates a manifestation of your desires.

To think of something, speak of it and do action steps that you really don’t believe will help you achieve your desires is impossible.

We work diligently with our clients to help them achieve crystal clear clarity of what they truly want. Then we speak of those desires and create meaningful action steps and viola, they create the practice and life of their dreams. They take vacations; they pay for college educations; they have retirement savings; and, most of all they enjoy their lives and their practice no matter who sits in the White House or what insurance company decreases reimbursements.

You can have this too whenever you are ready.

Click here for a complimentary  and no-obligation 1 on 1 Chiropractic Practice and Business Analysis and Strategy Session. Find out for yourself how I can help you grow your Chiropractic practice ethically, legally and with integrity; get more family time and have fun again. We have payment plans that will allow virtually EVERYBODY AND ANYBODY the ability to afford my services. Get to the next level and beyond. Stop wishing, praying and hoping and take the meaningful step that will get you to where you want to be.

What to Do Under a Trump Presidency

Doing research for this blog was next to impossible because nobody really knows what President-Elect Trump is going to do with health care. What I was able to find is that he feels that doctors over-charge and are over paid. I was not able to find information on his views on alternative health care.

In January 2015, Trump praised Scotland’s single-payer healthcare system (as he did in his book “Crippled America”) and bashed doctors as over charging for their services on the David Letterman Show.

“Just look at your doctor’s bills. I mean you look at the doctor’s bills…you look at what some of these doctors do and the money that they make and you go to other countries and you see what they make and it’s a whole different world.

So what does a physician do at this time? The answer is the same answer when Obama-Care was passed. The answer is to run a BUSINESS and adhere to business principles. There isn’t a person on this planet including you the reader, that would not spend money on something that you considered valuable. It is no different for your practice.

Unfortunately, most physicians are poor business-people. They were never taught business skills in school and it reflects in their daily lives. Most physicians are able to generate a lot of revenue but so many are economically stressed. The suggestions in this article will help you improve your financial situation.

  1. Create a team of advisers. Just look at what Trump is doing now. He is not taking on this task alone, he is putting together a team of advisers. Why are you growing your business alone? Here is who you need on your team. You need all of the advisers on the list. Each one has a specific task and their services should not be combined with the others.
  •  Certified Public Accountant
  •  Business Attorney
  •  Business coach
  •  Compliance and coding expert
  •  Financial Planner
  •  Insurance broker
  •  Investment Adviser

2. Create Written Goals-You will succeed so much easier and faster if you actually had written goals.

3. Be Held Accountable-Trump’s campaign manager held him accountable to stay on script and on point. Love him or hate him look at the result, he is the next president. Our clients are held accountable to doing the things that they say they will do. They are held accountable to doing the action steps on their goals. The result…a 42% increase in their income year to date.

4. Get your head space right- I think it had to be pretty painful to be called a buffoon, moron and every other negative adjective in the book. Why didn’t Trump fold? He didn’t fold because he knows how to control his head space and thoughts. When you create unshakable confidence coupled with positive self-tak, you too will be unstoppable.

5. Learn to Change Direction Based on Current Events-Why have our clients thrived under $5000 deductibles and $65 co-pays under Obama Care? Because for the last 39 months we prepared for that day. Why will our clients thrive under a Trump Presidency? Same reason we prepare. Did you read Trump’s feelings on doctor’s salaries from the quote above? At the time of the quote he thought they were too high. Like you I don’t know what his feeling are today. However, I do know that if I create a model of care that does not need Trump or anyone else’s endorsement or liking then we can thrive. Bottom line create value for your patients so they are willing to pay for your services even without insurance coverage. Through (click strategic based marketing link to read more) Strategic-based marketing our clients create that value every single day.

6. Stop Whining and control your own destiny-Love him or hate him Donald Trump won and he will be our next president. He will shape our health insurance policies. PERIOD END OF STORY! Take control of your own destiny by adhering to all 5, yes all 5 suggestions above and see how your practice can thrive too!

Click here for a free no-obligation coaching call. Kick the tires and find out for yourself how I can help you grow your practice ethically, legally and with integrity; get more free time and have fun again. We have payment plans that will allow virtually EVERYBODY AND ANYBODY the ability to afford my services. Get to the next level and beyond. Stop wishing, praying and hoping and take the meaningful step that will get you to where you want to be.