If you are having difficulty getting paid for your services then you need to evaluate where the problem lies. Once you determine where the problem lies, you need to create a solution. Many of you will answer that the problem is with the insurance companies. As my clients have learned, you must take the problem head on and never give up.
Now I am not suggesting or saying that you must run a cash practice. Far from that, although I am a big fan of a cash practice. What I am saying is you need to identify the problem and then come up with a workable solution that ends the problem. If the insurance companies are your problem, what will you do to fix it? The following steps should help you.
1. Take responsibility for your plight. When a new client begins coaching and starts telling me how unfair life is and the insurance companies are criminal… I stop him and teach him that HE or SHE is responsible for their practice not the insurance company or the town they are in. Once the person stops being the victim they can work on action steps to change things. If you are still blaming the sun and the moon for all of your problems you will never be able to take the first step and that is Take responsibility for your plight.
2. Stop trying to do everything on your own. Ever hear the old adage, an attorney who uses himself as an attorney, has a fool for a client? You did not go to school to become a marketing guru or a CEO. You went to school to get sick people well. Please don’t get me wrong, everyone who is reading this article has the ability to become a master marketer or CEO, however it takes time, money and a learning curve to do so. I too went to school to learn how to get sick patients well. How did I become good at strategic-based marketing? The skills were not acquired by myself or by trial and error. I invested lots of time and lots of money($200,000 + ) to learn the skills. Why did I invest the time and money? That was the solution that I needed to be able to make my practices and businesses thrive.
Don’t be afraid to Invest time and money to acquire the skills that will allow you to reach the goals that you set. If you are going to do it on your own or by trial and error, there is high probability that you will spend and waste more time and money than if you hired the right professional and did it right.
3. Get someone to hold you accountable. All human beings have fantastic potential provided that they follow through on doing the action steps that they say they will do. 95% of those same human beings are unable to hold them self accountable and thus fail to do the action steps that will allow them to achieve their goals.
I am no different than you. I have three separate coaches that hold me accountable to doing the things that I say I will do.(These coaches come at a huge investment too) The results…Life is great. I am very fortunate, not lucky to have a terrific wife, kids, and thriving businesses. Fortunate not lucky because I literally work my butt off everyday and love every minute of it; to get the results that I get. I have great coaches who help me, guide me, and hold me accountable.
I tell you this not to brag, but to show you that if I can do it you can too. Believe me, I am not smarter or better looking than you. What I do possess as Chet Holmes says is Pigheaded discipline. I have invested much time and money in learning new skills that work over and over again; and I care deeply about the results that I help my clients obtain. I have failed many times and each time I dust myself off and make it better till I get it right. YOU CAN DO IT TOO!! Click here to set up a free consultation with me
4. Don’t Ever Give Up. What would have happened if the Wright Brothers, Dwight Eisenhower, DD Palmer, or Colonel Sanders gave up? The world would be vastly different wouldn’t it? If you give up, your world, your patients’ world and everyone that they come in contact with, world would be vastly different too. Pushing on, getting the right advisers, and making your life and practice work are the only options.
5. If you want to get paid, you must posses the following:
a. Certainty
b. An identity
c. A consultation that creates value (Click here for free webinar)
d. Organization
e. Communication skills
f. Leadership skills
g. A report of findings that obtains a commitment
h. A well trained staff
i. Good financial skills
j. Strategic-based marketing
k. Procedures that are created in this economy
l. Someone to hold you accountable
m. Knowing how to run a business
n. An understanding of the Laws of Attraction
o. Banishment of Fear
p. Pig headed discipline
q. Knowing that you will thrive no matter what
Now is the time to act. Now is the time to get off of “someday isle” and take a new and better path. If you can’t grow your practice on your own, ask a friend, colleague, or call me. If you are considering hiring a coach, you may click here to read an article that will teach you how to choose the correct coach.
Click here to schedule a free consultation to learn about our very affordable custom coaching programs without contracts.
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