If your business or practice does not run as smoothly and succinctly as an Indy-500 Pit Crew you will surely lose money or your business will not live up to its full potential.
An Indy-500 Pit crew is comprised of different systems. If each any system fails then the driver will lose the race. The tire crew is responsible for removing and replacing the tires. If the tires are not re-installed or inflated properly disaster can happen.
The fueler is responsible for re-fueling the car. If his job is done poorly the car can literally blow up.
The Fire Extinguisher hold the fire extinguisher and sprays a quick jet of water after the fuel hose is removed to wash away any residue. If his system fails the car can blow up.
The crew chief is the boss. He is the top mechanic who spots any problem with the car before they interfere with the performance at high speeds.
Remember all of the above jobs must be completed to perfection in under 10 minutes if that car and driver are to win the race.
How to Grow Your Business
Think of your business as being made up of systems that all must work at full capacity so your business can win the race and crush your competitors.
- Lead generation system-Sadly, most businesses do not have a lead generation system. This system is key to new business. We spend an inordinate amount of time teaching our clients how to create numerous strategical lead generation systems that consistently bring in the best new clients, patients or customers.
- Employees will make or break your business or practice. We consider the Employee System to be paramount. The system is comprised of hiring the right people; training the right people; and, making the employees profit centers not financial drains. We teach our clients how to hire and train the best staff with the help of the Language of DISC.
- Financial Systems will determine whether you have financial success or financial stress. Most business owners or doctors were never taught how to run a business in school. We teach our clients step by step how to run a profitable business based on sound business and finance principles.
- Organization is another weak area for most businesses. If you are not getting a full sixty minutes out of every hour you are losing valuable time. Poor organization causes you to work harder instead of smarter. We work with our clients so they are able to vacation every three months while still being highly profitable. This comes from the proper usage of organizational techniques.
Remember to beat your competition every system must be working 100% just like an Indy-500 pit crew. Wish and hoping will not get you a system-driven business. Hiring the right advisors, coupled with investing time and money to hire, train and train some more, will give you the ingredients to a competition crushing business!