Did you ever wake up in the morning and everything seemed perfect? You felt well rested, no aches, no pains, and you felt calm and at ease? Success routines will help.
That state is called effortless ease. Contrast that to the alarm going off late, no hot water for your shower, a stubbed toe and a fight with your spouse.
We have all had both scenarios. How can we create scenario one over and over again is the focus of today’s newsletter?
To grow a successful business and life you will need and want more scenario number one’s, so let’s get to it.
Everything in life has a natural and harmonious rhythm to it. The ocean waves come in with a certain rhythm and go out. We breathe with a certain rhythm. The flowers bloom and die with a certain rhythm. Well, guess what we have certain rhythms too!
The key to having a good positive rhythm is to create it with a success routine. These are the steps that I use that have worked for me for over thirty years. They will work for you too.
Create a morning routine that is done consistently. I never ever miss a day. My routine consists of affirmations, visualizations, meditation, prayer and exercise. I also write in a journal and look at my goals. Let me emphasize…I NEVER MISS A DAY! EVER!
My afternoon routine is I evaluate my goals again and determine if my daily action steps are moving me closer or further and I tweak accordingly. I also do a gratitude exercise. Let me emphasize…I NEVER MISS A DAY! EVER!
My evening routine is an evaluation of my action steps for the day. Post-mortem analysis of the day (evaluate what worked and did not work) Gratitude exercises, prayer, and reading. Let me emphasize…I NEVER MISS A DAY! EVER!
By executing those action steps, I create a rhythm to my day that over time becomes the natural state of order in my life. Now, is everyday Christmas for me? Absolutely not! I have crappy days too, however, they are very few and far between. You may want to try the above suggestions for yourself CONSISTENLY AND PERSISTENTLY FOR six months and evaluate for yourself if it creates a better rhythm in your life too.
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